people actually think microsoft already won this gen. you guys are hilarious.
whats going to happen after halo 3?
lol. lets just wait till 08 and watch the ps3 take over.
the ps3 owns 08
ill put that on my life.
the 360 already gave you guys all it has. there is nt any room for innovations. so its like
where the 360 stopped the ps3 just got started.
just w8 and see.
and pls stop dorking up the place with all the halo three hype.
Well after Halo 3, i'll be getting NBA Live 08, PGR4, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4, Viva Pinata Party Animals (the demo on XBL was fun) Kane and Lynch.
In 08, I'll have Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Banjo Threeie, Infinite Undiscovery, GTA IV. Splinter Cell Conviction, Too Human, Alan Wakeanda bunch of other games that I really don't feel obligated to name.
Worst case scenario is that those games flop and I get a PS3. Thats whats great about not being a fanboy. I don't force myself to sit through gaming droughts just to stay loyal to a company that just wants my money.
Or I could always build a PC, which 2008 is looking better than PS3's.
FarCry 2 + Starcraft II + Dragon Age + Spore = possibly the best quintuple available this decade.
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