[QUOTE="angelkimne"][QUOTE="Forensic-Klown"][QUOTE="angelkimne"][QUOTE="Forensic-Klown"]Seriously, MS can sure talk tuff for a company that rips of the PS3 and now the Wii. (if true)
"1080p isn't needed, Bluray isn't nessessary, 720p is the sweet spot...blah blah.
Now look at MS's playing catch up....
Bigger HDD
Black console
Soon to be Bluray drive.
Geez, MS why not just name it the PS3 while your at it?
Now, MS Might have plans to release a Wiimote knockoff?:lol:
Makes you think of the past and how Windows became. *face Palm*
BTW, b4 you give the BU BU teh everyonz copyz....MS was against most of what Sony offered in the beginning. I don't deny Sony copies and nintendo too, but atleast admit MS when somethings good.
1080p was on 360 before ps3
HDMI was just do it could fit the normal tv plugs, everything that uses HD has hdmi, not just ps3.
Bigger HDD, maybe thats just becasue of XboxOriginals and more demand for more space
You cant copy a colour, its just that they though it looked cool
We don't know for sure and maybe it's just because M$ want it to have HD movie playback so blu-ray is there only option.
Wiimote, well ps3 copied it of wii before 360 copied it off both
They are all changes made for a reason apart from let's just copy the ps3.
Yep after SONY bragged about it FIRST and indroduced it along side bluray even b4 the PS3 was released. before that it was 720p and sticking to there promises for the 360...LOL. Get informed.
Maybe you should read better, i didn't argue anything about SONY NOT copying, but MS was against what sony offered from the get go..but later added it.
M$ wasn't against any of them apart from blu-ray
720p was apparently the sweet spot for them REMEMBER THAT?
1080p isn't needed for this generation a MS employee said:
After sony added a bigger HDD, MS made an even bigger one.
I'm just playing it how the Lemz did.
I can't even be bothered to argue with you, alll this is just good for the lemz anyway. Your basically saying everything ps3 has 360 has aswell.
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