I think the longest battle I had was against the Metal Gear Rays in extreme which is a pretty long fight if you ask me.
Now for the longest battle I think I ever saw.
What about you guys?
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I think the longest battle I had was against the Metal Gear Rays in extreme which is a pretty long fight if you ask me.
Now for the longest battle I think I ever saw.
What about you guys?
I was in a mail-in chess game for 14 months, does that count?
EDIT: 10 hours? holy god. I would have just died after the first 10 minutes because it would be quicker to die, and queue up for another game to get points back then suffer what would have been a hella-booring OOM match. Holy crap. You and your buddies must be masochists.
I was in a mail-in chess game for 14 months, does that count?
EDIT: 10 hours? holy god. I would have just died after the first 10 minutes because it would be quicker to die, and queue up for another game to get points back then suffer what would have been a hella-booring OOM match. Holy crap. You and your buddies must be masochists.
That wasnt me but yeah..10 hours..longer then Heavenly Sword and Halo 3.. lol
Oh and keep in mind that the fight would have lasted muchlonger until one team finally had enough and allowed the other team to finish them off.
But it was awesome and worth it.Final Fantasy XI- Vrta (It was a PoS linkshell fighting though) I was eventually kicked out of the linkshell because I couldn't stand battling for 8 hours straight...
Skies of Arcadia- 3 phases to the final boss...it takes a while.
The World of Warcraft battles are supposed to be really long.
I wouldnt know though becuase my character is only lvl 51.
The World of Warcraft battles are supposed to be really long.
I wouldnt know though becuase my character is only lvl 51.
my warlock is 53 and his battles used to last long enough already, i had to stop playn unfourntly so i dont know how things work out now(after the burning crused) since level cap incressed the battlegrounds for 50's prolby has less trafic now
Multiplayer: James Bond 007 Goldeneye and The World Is Not Enough (N64) We used to raise the amount of kills to win insanely high and had countless all-nighters. Especially with Goldeneye where we once played so long that we didn't stop for 24 hours.
Single-player- Tomb Raider 2. I killed the dragon at the end literally THOUSANDS of times before realizing that I just had to pull out the dagger in him. lol
I was in a 2v2 on Company of Heroes, stale-mate for 4 hours and 56 minutes.
My friend's computer shut off at the 4 hour: 45 minute mark so from there I started rushing tanks, killed off my infantry, and used all my extra eco to mass Panzers :D, then I started massing my 3x vet KCH to cleanse the area :twisted:
Of the top of my head. the longest battle I can think of was against the Omega Weapon in FFVIIIOnizuka36Yeah that was an extremely long boss battle. If it weren't for TR2, I would have named FFVIII. Another long one in that game was the first time I fought Edea. But then after dieing in the game a mabazillion times, I killed her in four moves w/ my perfect team of Squall, Irvine and Quistis. lol
Final Fantasy XI- Vrta (It was a PoS linkshell fighting though) I was eventually kicked out of the linkshell because I couldn't stand battling for 8 hours straight...
Skies of Arcadia- 3 phases to the final boss...it takes a while.
Absolute Virtue clocked in at like a 28 hour battle and the almost killed it, then it did Benediction and the Linkshell gave up.
Mine suprisingly was a halo2 online game. It was one bomb assault on headlong btb and this was before they took off the infinite sudden death timer. We took the ball and hid it outside of the map for about an hour.achilles614
Yeah, I've had a few games of Halo 2 that lasted that long; sometimes it's awesome, and sometimes you just want to kill yourself, and wonder why you haven't quit yet. I also remember the Ruby and EmeraldWeapon fights in FFVII going on for a while, with the Emerald Weapon going for at least an hour.
have you ever played Fire emblem Path of radiance?There are alot of long battles but i remember one that took me about 6 hours without stopping once. I was tired after...Sage320I hated that game to be honest :/
Twinkling Treant. It took days to kill him since the only way to fight him was suffering from a forced level cap. I think I put in over 15 hours in those days to get in the kill.
Non-multiplayer? =)
Zone of the Enders (PS2), on the highest difficulty versus the final "pre-conclusion" boss: Nebula (something like that). The battle involved dodging his attacks, and then to wait for him to leave an opening. I did this for 2 hours, paused, another 2, paused, another 2, etc. I kid you not, the battle must have been bugged, because he would never reveal that opening to me. I eventually turned it off, but God... I think I played that boss battle over the course of 2 weeks.
Actually, now looking at the title, I thought it said longest boss battle. The longest battle I've been in was old school World of Warcraft Alterac Valley. I swear to god that the longest battle was well over 20 hours. This was before the whole "AFK"/probation status affect so I took breaks.Redmoonxl2
AV caused alot of problems in terms of length of the games in those days. :P
One team always turtled...therefore extending the game another few hours. They go back and forth turtling and there you have it, the old AV's. It was so boring after awhile.
Starcraft has some pretty long fights.
I've had all night sessions of goldeneye perfect dark smashbros and smash bros melee.
[QUOTE="Redmoonxl2"]Actually, now looking at the title, I thought it said longest boss battle. The longest battle I've been in was old school World of Warcraft Alterac Valley. I swear to god that the longest battle was well over 20 hours. This was before the whole "AFK"/probation status affect so I took breaks.Puckhog04
AV caused alot of problems in terms of length of the games in those days. :P
One team always turtled...therefore extending the game another few hours. They go back and forth turtling and there you have it, the old AV's. It was so boring after awhile.
Meh, I enjoyed it because special units were important. Summoning Lord Lok for the Horde comboed with Windriders, reavers and Raiders was simply awesome. Plus I miss Korrak. :(
AV nowadays lacks strategy. It's nothing more than General rushing.
Everquest- In the old days raiding the plane of hate to kill Innoruuk. Lets just say, 22 hours of your life could easily be unaccounted for.... :shock:
don't you need to pee? are do you go in bottles like in south park's wow parody?Ontain
You can, you know, take breaks. :?
A castle blood fair in Age of Empires 2: The Conquorer's Expansion lasted over 3 hours on time (online). My team won that game btw. Twas awesome.
[QUOTE="Puckhog04"][QUOTE="Redmoonxl2"]Actually, now looking at the title, I thought it said longest boss battle. The longest battle I've been in was old school World of Warcraft Alterac Valley. I swear to god that the longest battle was well over 20 hours. This was before the whole "AFK"/probation status affect so I took breaks.Redmoonxl2
AV caused alot of problems in terms of length of the games in those days. :P
One team always turtled...therefore extending the game another few hours. They go back and forth turtling and there you have it, the old AV's. It was so boring after awhile.
Meh, I enjoyed it because special units were important. Summoning Lord Lok for the Horde comboed with Windriders, reavers and Raiders was simply awesome. Plus I miss Korrak. :(
AV nowadays lacks strategy. It's nothing more than General rushing.
I agree completely. Although, the majority of the time that we tried to summon the Tree or Lok (i have alliance and Horde toons), they were bugged. Kind of annoying when you fight so long just to find out it's bugged and won't work. But, yea, AV's today are all rushing. Other than the occasional group of alliance that does nothing but turtle at SP.
I agree completely. Although, the majority of the time that we tried to summon the Tree or Lok (i have alliance and Horde toons), they were bugged. Kind of annoying when you fight so long just to find out it's bugged and won't work. But, yea, AV's today are all rushing. Other than the occasional group of alliance that does nothing but turtle at SP.
I remember when it was an honor once you got the Goblin Shredder. Not only that but that thing tore apart the competition back then. Those were the days.
Blizzard really needs to find ways to make units viable in AV again. The ability to turn in unit mats on the fly would be nice since making runs back and forth between mines as well as collecting wolves while everybody else is killing each other is not fun. Also, there really needs to be a way to control them. Since units run in a linear path and the AI is, well, nonexistant, they get killed freakishly easily, especially if they are trained. It'd be better if there was a command where you can tell them to patrol certain strategic points, such as a tower or a GY.
[QUOTE="majadamus"]But it was awesome and worth it.Final Fantasy XI- Vrta (It was a PoS linkshell fighting though) I was eventually kicked out of the linkshell because I couldn't stand battling for 8 hours straight...
Skies of Arcadia- 3 phases to the final boss...it takes a while.
[QUOTE="majadamus"]Final Fantasy XI- Vrta (It was a PoS linkshell fighting though) I was eventually kicked out of the linkshell because I couldn't stand battling for 8 hours straight...
Skies of Arcadia- 3 phases to the final boss...it takes a while.
Absolute Virtue clocked in at like a 28 hour battle and the almost killed it, then it did Benediction and the Linkshell gave up.
Ya, I heard about that..only the really good linkshells dared go against that thing..at that time I was in a bad LS with corrupt leaders, it was very unorganized, and TONS of drama. That and the absurd amount of time needed to progress within that game made me quit. I wouldn't advise anyone to play that game.
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