Well I'm so tired of the pointless shoot em' ups and trash games on my 360 and Wii that I've gotten off my butt to get on this forum and ask you all for some recommendations.
I've played these:
Silent Hill 2
Persona 3 FES
Beyond Good & Evil
Kingdom Hearts 2
Metal Gear Solid Series
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy Series
Prince of Persia Series
Eternal Darkness
Paper Mario
Zelda Series
Half-Life Series
Assassin's Creed
Halo 1
Halo 2(jk)
Mass Effect
Chrono Trigger
I generally consider Silent Hill 2, Braid, Persona 3, Metal Gear Solid 3, and SotC as my favorite video game stories for an idea of what I'm into. As you can see the uniqueness of how the story is told is as important as the actual story to me.
I've played all these games that have awesome stories or some consider to have awesome stories (Halooooo). So don't reccomend any of those. I also already know of the awesomeness that is the stories of Deus Ex, Planescape, and Grim Fandango, but have not acquired them yet. Also don't say the japanese one on the dreamcast that never saw its conclusion...don't say it
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