Resistance 2 was released in 2008 and was the follow up to the widely successful PS3 launch title Resistance: Fall of Man. I believe this game is one of Insomniac's best games ever developed and one of Sony's most content filled published games ever.
Not only did Resistance 2 have a single player campaign it also featured multiplayer in two variations. Both multiplayer modes track the player's performance, gaining experience and leading to benefits and rewards, as well as assigning the player a skill ranking.
Cooperative mode features a separate campaign supporting anything from two to eight players. Players are tasked with many randomized objectives around the map, while defeating hordes of Chimera in the process. The strength of the enemy forces is altered based on the number of players and their skill levels. There are three classes to choose from: Special Ops — long-distance damage dealers, who also provide ammunition; Soldiers — the "tanks" who endure the most damage; and Medics — who drain life from enemies and impart to teammates.
Competitive mode features support for up to 60 players during the Skirmish mode; this is the most number of players in pretty much any PS3 game (excluding MAG) and ran at 60 FPS. Five games modes are available: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Core Control (Capture the Flag), Skirmish, and released via update, Meltdown. Skirmish has players getting split up into squads of five and take part in objective-based proxy-battles. Players can play as either the Humans or the Chimerans and get to choose their weapon loadout before and during a game while respawning.
I guess my point is- it's wild to think a game like this game out on PS3 and offers arguably more content, more replay value, and more multiplayer fun than the majority of PS4 exclusives in the last 7 years. It was basically 3 games in one for the cost of $60- PLUS the online functionality was FREE. How times have changed.
I hope for PS5 Sony goes back to this- now, of course I love their great single player games that are full of content (like Horizon and God of War) and enjoy their current MP offerings (Last of Us Remastered, Uncharted 4) but would love to see them bring back this type of support.
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