Well as of late HD-DVD is back in the saddle. And it seems that as the public slowly i mean slowy is making a jump into HD movie viewing. It seems they are starting to lean towards HD-DVD.
As of Now HD-DVD is leading in sales and seems to have the better movies coming out.
And Sony has made a CRUCIAL mistake on letting HD-DVD take the lead in the adult fime industry. This will turn out to be a major advantage in the next 5 years when people are much more mainstream in having these movie players and then BAM the adult film industry will rear it's ugly head just like it did when it turned the tide and sent Beta Max to the extinction yard. Some 1080P punanny will be a major advantage in the long run.
What seems to be happing is right now as the public is starting to say hey what is this whole HD movie stuff Hmm well i've always been a DVD consumer and well it seems HD-DVD is cheaper and is offering the best movies at the moment and hmm after doing some reaserch. It seems they will be the best bet. I don't want to get caught up in another one of Sony Beta Max debacles.
And i know my flame shield is very ready BU BU BU Blockbuster has Blu-Ray. Well there is no law that says that can not change at any moment. Nothing is set in stone there.
With the recent merger of some very big name studies backing HD-DVD it clearly has a leg up on Blu-Ray right now in all regards. Better movies better cost and 1080P NANNY. Oh and by the way you would be a fool to think they are not planning a bigger compatible format for HD-DVD. They will up it in size as needed. We could see a 100gig HD-DVD fairly soon.
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