It's been going on a for a while, but it's been getting worse lately. The gaming community in general is a giant bunch of haters. Whether it's fanboys and console wars, different opinions on a game, there's always someone around to start some drama. Seriously, what's the deal here?
It's bad enough that gamers have a nasty stigma attached with older generations and those that just generally don't get our hobby, but why do we need to turn on ourselves? The hatred in the community became increasingly apparent with reviews showing up for Assassin's Creed. Some reviewers praised the game, while others just didn't get it and gave low scores. While this caused an uproar with those with high expectations for the game, where it really hit a new low was with the flame-fests that ensued. Gamers who didn't agree on both sides of the table came out of the woodwork to voice their opinions. This is something we here at Loot Ninja encourage, because a good debate never hurt anyone. But those opinions aren't usual debate; they're nothing short of violent and degrading to both the game and the reviewer. Now, this is just one recent example, but digging through internet archives will easily turn up other cases of these flame-fests.
And it's not just in game reviews. Saying anything these days that another gamer doesn't agree with will get you flamed. Why can't there be normal human discussions between gamers these days? These flame-fests are one of the biggest detractions to online gaming for those not entrenched in the community already. Personally, I've had a few friends want to play online, but don't want the hassle of being called racist names or cursed at just for playing the game the way it should be played.
Maybe it's the anonymity that gamers feel online. If the person on the other end can't see you, maybe some people feel like it doesn't matter what they say. The same is true for online forums or chat areas. If people can't see you or actually speak to you, you might think you can say whatever you want. But this really isn't how it should be. Do we all want to turn into the Comic Book Store Guy from The Simpsons? Do we, as a gaming community, want to be branded as a group of people who cannot engage in good conversation? Is it that hard to just grow up a little bit? In my opinion, it's not that hard to do. But I guess only time will tell.
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