Just outta curiosity how does it feel to be burned by your own loyal company. I too was on the xbox 360 bandwagon at one time, thankfully i saw the red rings of death and realized that the ps3 was the way to go.
So why would anyone want a 360 right now?Halo 3 ... duh? if we want to play that this fall we have to purchase a 360, but which sku seeings as there will be 4 diff ones this fall. (core, pro, elite, halo themed). For the casual consumer this is incredibly confusing. what about the other killer app 360 games coming out? Yea, those are good reasons to purchase it.
But lets recap all of the smash hits for the 360 and orig xbox for that matter have been ported to the pc for M$ to maximize profits, consequently the pc ports have usually had more content or are just plain better versions of the game. Ex. (Halo, Halo2, we all know halo 3 will follow, Lost Planet, and others). Oh yea lets not forget that "exclusive" console pusher Gears of War, Epic made a small fortune off of that game selling over 4 million copies worldwide. Thats some serious chump change fellows.
Oh wait didn't they say that GeoW was going to re released on the pc? Yes they did, and it would have extra content. Wow thats amazing way to go M$ burn the consumer a lil more next time. Just outta curiosity, why would anyone want to purchase a 360?
It seems to me that the best combo for the gamer isnt the wii60, but instead the pc3? It seems as if any game that is release on the xbox platform and is worthwhile will also be re released on the pc. But sony games and gonna stick on the ps3 the place they belong. Well looks like this post will get the e3 fire heated up. Oh yea just to add a lil more fuel to the fire Hideo Kojima stated several times today at the conference that MGS4 will be a ps3 exclusive. No more dreaming for you guys on the 360.
Go Go kz2
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