I think this has something to do with the Wii not being the 3rd party developer's choice system. Never has because you can't directly port something to it, and Nintendo dominates it's own console with so much software (while some really good), it makes it harder for a 3rd party to rake in some dough from supporting the Wii.
Now, I assume that MadWorld will sell consistently for months like other 3rd party games on the Wii, but the only reason it's launch was dismal is just because the majority of Wii owners haven't caught MadWorld's attention yet. I doubt that beyond forums, and video game magazines that many people even heard of MadWorld. It's pretty much requiring word of mouth to sell.
Same goes for most of the core stuff on the DS and Wii. Most people are skeptical about the games when they launch, and then will require a good word from someone to consider it. It's not like the PS3 and Xbox where tons of people bought the systems expecting the next Halo game, or God of War, or something. Nobody expected MadWorld from the Wii.
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