Watch_Dogs fans, get ready for a treat. TheWorse, MaLDo and VAAS have combined their amazing skills and have released a new mod for Ubisoft’s open world title. This is a must have mod and highly recommend using it as it brings a lot of improvements.
Those interested can download the mod from here or from here if Guru3D goes down.
Here is the changelog for this new version of TheWorse’s mod:
-You’ll be able to choose if you want a light dof, a strong dof or to be default (disabled) Thanks to VAAS for doing a great job!
-You’ll be able to choose different bloom presets (E3 Bloom, Light Bloom or default)
-You’ll be able to choose different types of colorgrading( E3, Default, Red-Ish or Blue-Ish)
-You’ll be able to choose if you want default lensflares, anamorphic lensflares or SpotLight Volumes (Volumetric light)
-You’ll be able to use a texture patch made by MalDo (Thank you so much!) for reducing stuttering!
-Headlight shadows have been fixed
-Lighting have been changed
-Pharmacy Lighting have been slighly changed.
-E3 Wind environment added
-Particle respawn time reduced to be able to see more fog and smoke in streets.
-Problems and Bugs related to HDR should be fixed
-Fully integrated to Ubisoft’s patch (No effects or shaders have been disabled)
-Included several high textures from the game to be used instead of low quality ones.
-Rain, bloom, ssao changes
Here are some installation instructions:
1-Download the file, decompress the rar in any folder you want.
2-Open the config file located in “WDT_Data/config/WDTConfig.cfg
3-Place your Game_Path For example Game_Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Watch_Dogs\
4-Save the file and open the tool exe “WDTooL.exe”
5-Select your settings and press the tick button to apply changes
6-If something is stuck press the middle button to reset the settings
7-If everything is ok a path.dat file will be created in your data_win64 folder
8-Enjoy the game
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