Mass Effect one was a stellar game, graphics acting and story were impeccable. Combat was pretty cool, using biotic powers was really fun, the stuff you could do with guns, burn, freeze, toxic. The cool looking armors, the deep characters.
Mass Effect 2 has taken everything to the next level, promising to be an epic experience, with HEAVILY upgraded graphics and gameplay, a darker and grittier story, streamlined combat, and flawless acting, Bioware will prove to set the bar for third person action/rpg games. A wide array of characters from across the underbelly of the galaxy will make the cute and cuddly characters from the first look like childs play.
Also, the repetitive side quests on desolate planets? A thing of the past, uncharted worlds will now be lush, and varied, with meaningful side quests that will be remembered for a time to come.
Of course, this is all just my opinion :P
The only downside, STUPID BOX ART, lol
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