Now that the mercy killing of Mass Effect Andromeda has been confirmed, and we can move on to other pastures to place our criticisms and praise we can only look back at what COULD have been...
I noticed on Twitter that the bioware mass effect threads are littered with a tug of war between fans blaming Bioware and EA for making an uninspired game, as well as fans blaming, well, fans, for their outcry and criticisms on a game that didn't deserve it.
Personally, I believe mass effect Andromeda is a product of a company, (whether ea or bioware or both) that tried to cut corners, by giving one of it's biggest franchises to an inexperienced team with no measure of success, in hopes the name alone would carry its sales and this allocating more resources and better devs to Anthem to make a splash with a new IP.
Not that I disagree with making good on new IP, but I don't believe the greatness of mass effect needed to be caught in the cross hairs... I put the blame squarely on the developer for making a bad mass effect game and a really dry open world game that failed to reach even the lowest bars of the original trilogy. This is an EA/Bioware problem and I feel they know it.
Apologists don't send a message of accountability in my opinion.
If you've played it, you have context and perspective , if you haven't, youre just shooting from the hip based on what you've heard. So in this case, now that the dust has settled, who ruined the mass effect franchise?
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