The much discussed combat system in the game of the year is some of the best gun play /special powers action in gaming...
heres why...
It is wildly imaginative and massively deep.... and user friendly. I have found that their is no greater gaming joy than clearing out a room of troops and having complete control over bolstering shields, weapon selection on the fly, power tossing 4 enemies clear accross the bunker, and using biotics to overload their weapons when me and my crew come busting through the door...
Everytime I waste a group of enemies with the pressicion of a surgeon using any and all of my six member crew it reminds me of the real evolution of Mass Effect... Involvement... so the days of "Master Flury" are over KOTOR fans... So the days of bringing the same characters along everywhere you go.... BioWare's true achievment is involvment of everything in game, not just for stat bolstering but to add to the masterpiece that is, Mass Effect...
for Cedmin..... This quality of combat is only achived currantly on your friendly neighborhood XBOX360...
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