He can flip a 10 ton tank with his pinky.
also, hes a spartan.
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Samus has weapons built into her suit that obliterate his Splazer.
Samus has an assload more health (you can have several full health bars at once).
Samus is much faster and more agile.
Snake is just way cooler and a much better character... As is Samus.
Master Chief is more generic as a character than Duke Nukem, and Duke is just awesome.
also he debuts on the best console, he'd whoop snakes old a$$ and samus is a woman....self explanatoryunrealslim09
Its self explanatory that u dont like women, if u know what i mean. Now go sleep with ur master chief helmet.
[QUOTE="unrealslim09"]also he debuts on the best console, he'd whoop snakes old a$$ and samus is a woman....self explanatorynippon_gamer
Its self explanatory that u dont like women, if u know what i mean. Now go sleep with ur master chief helmet.
Ouch, you're going to need some ointment for that BURRRRRRRRRN
Snake is the baddest dude ever. I'd take him over any video game character. Master Chief and Samus still rule though, no hard feelings.
[QUOTE="unrealslim09"]also he debuts on the best console, he'd whoop snakes old a$$ and samus is a woman....self explanatoryZhengi
Sexist much?
that's what i was gonna say.
but master chief is generic.
Master Cheif is in love with an AI. / threadChickity_China
Sounds like he is a basement dweller. =p
Just kidding guys, the games great and his storyline is great but something about him feels a bit too familiar for some reason.
Samus would destroy Master Chief and Snake at the same time. She is way to overpowered. You think silly bullets and primitive UNSC/Covenant Weaponry is going to over power or outwit the technological swiss armor knife of death that is Samus Aran? Yeah right....
But if we are talking about who's games are better man I am loving Halo 3. Hit it up on xBlackBondx.
Em, we judging strength then?
Hmm.. lets see.. how about the guy from crackdown, or infamous?
Now who's stronger?
DRAGON BALL Z, NOOBS. That's right. I'm sorry, but being able to destroy a GALAXY is just much, much more powerful than ANY of the above.
DRAGON BALL Z, NOOBS. That's right. I'm sorry, but being able to destroy a GALAXY is just much, much more powerful than ANY of the above.
see? strength means nothing. personality is what matters, and that's what Snake has over both Samus and Chief.
DRAGON BALL Z, NOOBS. That's right. I'm sorry, but being able to destroy a GALAXY is just much, much more powerful than ANY of the above.
you just made my day
Master Chief-The best of the Spartan II's. Destroyed five scarabs, jumped out into space and blew up an entire ship in less than 30 seconds. Destroyed two Halos and the Ark. And stopped the Flood for once and for all. Has over thousands of kills in combat. Has fought in more than 200 battles. Trained since the age of six. More experience in combat than Snake or Samus.
Samus and Snake- Two inferior opponets that can kill Kratos as weel as Master Chief. But they have no chance.
Master Chief-The best of the Spartan II's. Destroyed five scarabs, jumped out into space and blew up an entire ship in less than 30 seconds. Destroyed two Halos and the Ark. And stopped the Flood for once and for all. Has over thousands of kills in combat. Has fought in more than 200 battles.DuDisNow
i wish i was him
Master Chief-The best of the Spartan II's. Destroyed five scarabs, jumped out into space and blew up an entire ship in less than 30 seconds. Destroyed two Halos and the Ark. And stopped the Flood for once and for all. Has over thousands of kills in combat. Has fought in more than 200 battles.DuDisNow
i wish i was him
[QUOTE="Silenthps"]sorry but a guy named master chief cant even be taken seriously. thats the most unoriginal name i've ever heard of.solidte
His real name is even more unoriginal
John 117? Actually, that's a pretty good bible verse.
9.5 > 8.5hachiman128
How does the score of a videogame determine how the character would do in a fight? Turok got a 9.0, but sinceTurok can have a Nuke Gun in that game, I'm PRETTY SURE he could kill the Master Chief and his 9.5.
Yeah but you have to have a power level that over 9000 for thatWAit-WAIT-I THOUGHT OF A BETTER ONE!
DRAGON BALL Z, NOOBS. That's right. I'm sorry, but being able to destroy a GALAXY is just much, much more powerful than ANY of the above.
[QUOTE="Khanezhyray"]Yeah but you have to have a power level that over 9000 for thatWAit-WAIT-I THOUGHT OF A BETTER ONE!
DRAGON BALL Z, NOOBS. That's right. I'm sorry, but being able to destroy a GALAXY is just much, much more powerful than ANY of the above.
Good thing my power level is 9001! I have uber power! HAX!!!!
snake destroyed a nuclear super giant robot... by himself
master cheif saved the universe by himself
[QUOTE="mattyomo99"]snake destroyed a nuclear super giant robot... by himself
master cheif saved the universe by himself
snake saved the world from nuclear destruction with a little help here and there. Masterchief had mad help from other ppl
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