I was reading a smartphone article and suddenly found myself scrolling through the comment section where iOS and Android fanboys duked it out with their stupid sticks. As I was slowly losing faith in humanity I noticed something familiar reaching out at me from those dumb posts though. On one side your typical insulting jackass with hit and run posts, on the other the sad familiar smell of frustration being covered up by fake pride.
Now, fanboys are fanboys. Its all shit in the shithouse. But you know what's sadder than your regular flag waving dunce? Extra dedicated fanboys who feel they are not being given their dues :´(
Folk who truly believe they are the better served bunch, yet the world at large not only gives no shits about their preference, it will keep pointing at the competing fanboy faction's device of choice as the poster child of the market, much to their soul-crushing dismay. The iPhone, in this case.And of course the console in this obvious comparison
Is this sounding rather familiar to anyone else?
Start reading the more fervent pro-PC, chest-bumping Master Race posts through this perspective and maybe like with me, annoyance will turn to pity:
No matter how many advantages the PC space offers. No matter how much PC gaming is directly or indirectly pushed by individual personalities in the gaming media. No matter how "obvious" the superiority of the platform is to its userbase or how solid the arguments in its favor are. No matter how loud they yell, curse or flail their keyboards and $100 gaming mouses, like the poor android users previously mentioned this frustrated sub-species of the PC space feels denied of their trophies and congratulatory rounds of applause as consoles pose under the pop culture spotlight.
So fellow gamers, here's to these special guys seething in that dark corner over there:

You're just a different kind of winner!
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