Poll MCC FLOPPED, what does xbone have to push the system 1Q 2015? (16 votes)
Halo MCC is the biggest flop of the generation so far and regardless on GS's score social media is having a field day with how terrible the launch has been (similar to DriveClub).
No matter what fanboys say, only the biggest Halo fanatic are going out to buy an xbone for the MCC collection in light of how the game has turned out. Other than that, only people who already invested in the system will see the game as a must have.
Moving forward, MCC was MS's last card to play 2014, so now we look into 2015...but I don't see anything there, Do you? MS may care about holiday sales but that isn't going to help for the rest of the year. I have yet to see ANY release dates for any of the high profile xbone games for 2015 and it's less then a month an a half away.
So my question is, now that MS's 4Q holiday 2014 push is done, what will push the system 1Q 2015? What games are fans able to get excited for in the beginning if the upcoming year?
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