Couldn't have said it better myself :)
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Couldn't have said it better myself :)
Oh, yeah, this will change the world.Corey_Barlog_SM
I think if it can change just one persons mind it was worth it
Well said I thought. But of course, without fanboys there wouldn't be much point to there being a System Wars and, come on, everyone knows this board is where its at! 8)
Anyways, a little off-topic, if G4TV had more programming about games and such, even opinion-based shows like Cessler's blog that he had just done, the channel would be good. I watched the channel when I was back home and I loved watching X-play even if I knew everything they spoke of. But I don't care to watch Cops, or some other show that has nothing to do about video games. The channel needs to stay away from doing what MTV has done and do more gaming-focused programming. And I know plenty of ways to do that... sadly I can't fix it. :(
Okay, I'm done with that rant. :)
This only applies to sony fanboys. Cole-Protocal
You are quite the Lemming. Look out for the Owls. They're out tonight :twisted:
[QUOTE="Cole-Protocal"]This only applies to sony fanboys. dream431ca
You are quite the Lemming. Look out for the Owls. They're out tonight :twisted:
lol yep
which is why this board is really annoying sometime. Agreed sessler.
I hate how this board is. Honestly, people need to get along and shut up.
Every time I think of going on this board, theres something that always drives me away. It's teribble how some people aruge on this board.
It's also the people who think they magically 'know' about the system they don't own. Honestly, I dont have a ps3; im not going to come in here and say it sucks, or go to MGS4 and rate it a 1.0. why does it affect me?
Yes i agree with adam sessler but i like owning ppl on these boards.foreverflame890
Maybe you should find a new way to get that need out of you
I'll make Mr. Sessler a deal, if he won't judge how I entertain myself I won't judge his lisp and that nail pulling gap in his grill.
Aww just kidding ya Sess.
Seriously though, who listens to user reviews anyway and why bother wasting a perfectly good internet soapbox segment trying to understand or chastise these people?
Oh Adams just ticked because he's a big R2 fan. He admitted it more than once on the show. He made some good points but people end up preferring certain things over the other.
I like the way games look and play on the 360 better. I like live better. Is choice fanboyism? Nah, preference. I wouldn't say R2 is better than Gears of War 2 though. MGS4 a tie for me. But in the end I feel 360 is a better system and some will turn it around for whatever platform they prefer. Simple. Preference is not fanboyism.
He is confusing hate rants to system preferences. Big difference!
Oh Adams just ticked because he's a big R2 fan. He admitted it more than once on the show. He made some good points but people end up preferring certain things over the other.
I like the way games look and play on the 360 better. I like live better. Is choice fanboyism? Nah, preference. I wouldn't say R2 is better than Gears of War 2 though. MGS4 a tie for me. But in the end I feel 360 is a better system and some will turn it around for whatever platform they prefer. Simple. Preference is not fanboyism.
He is confusing hate rants to system preferences. Big difference!
Preference can be related to fanboyism. There's a reason why you are -100% Hermit.
[QUOTE="jasonheyman"]Oh Adams just ticked because he's a big R2 fan. He admitted it more than once on the show. He made some good points but people end up preferring certain things over the other.
I like the way games look and play on the 360 better. I like live better. Is choice fanboyism? Nah, preference. I wouldn't say R2 is better than Gears of War 2 though. MGS4 a tie for me. But in the end I feel 360 is a better system and some will turn it around for whatever platform they prefer. Simple. Preference is not fanboyism.
He is confusing hate rants to system preferences. Big difference!
Preference can be related to fanboyism. There's a reason why you are -100% Hermit.
Yeah and saying love all the platforms (I) or everyone else loves is in itself fanboyism lol :roll: Try again;)
[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="jasonheyman"]Oh Adams just ticked because he's a big R2 fan. He admitted it more than once on the show. He made some good points but people end up preferring certain things over the other.
I like the way games look and play on the 360 better. I like live better. Is choice fanboyism? Nah, preference. I wouldn't say R2 is better than Gears of War 2 though. MGS4 a tie for me. But in the end I feel 360 is a better system and some will turn it around for whatever platform they prefer. Simple. Preference is not fanboyism.
He is confusing hate rants to system preferences. Big difference!
Preference can be related to fanboyism. There's a reason why you are -100% Hermit.
Yeah and saying love all the platforms (I) or everyone else loves is in itself fanboyism lol :roll: Try again;)
I'm sure you were trying to be witty or funny but the humor must have just gone over my 6'4 frame. I look forward to seeing your next 10 anti-PC threads that will be created in the next week.
[QUOTE="jasonheyman"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Preference can be related to fanboyism. There's a reason why you are -100% Hermit.
Yeah and saying love all the platforms (I) or everyone else loves is in itself fanboyism lol :roll: Try again;)
I'm sure you were trying to be witty or funny but the humor must have just gone over my 6'4 frame. I look forward to seeing your next 10 anti-PC threads that will be created in the next week.
First off I don't need the description of how tall someone is to post in these forums lmao:roll:
Second I made a point, To call someone a fanboy because they have a prefrence is fanboyism itself. Like what I like or I'll call you a fanboy. Thats fanboyism as well!
Or does that mean everyone should like everything so it's all neutral? LOL
[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="jasonheyman"]Yeah and saying love all the platforms (I) or everyone else loves is in itself fanboyism lol :roll: Try again;)
I'm sure you were trying to be witty or funny but the humor must have just gone over my 6'4 frame. I look forward to seeing your next 10 anti-PC threads that will be created in the next week.
First off I don't need the description of how tall someone is to post in these forums lmao:roll:
Second I made a point, To call someone a fanboy because they have a prefrence is fanboyism itself. Like what I like or I'll call you a fanboy. Thats fanboyism as well!
Or does that mean everyone should like everything so it's all neutral? LOL
To call some a fanboy because they have a preference is fanboyism itself. Like what I like or I'll call you a fanboy. Um yeah.
Hate to tell you but there is a difference between fans and fanboys. Its not about being neutral. Unlike you just because others like something doesn't mean that they hate something else.
As I said before. I look forward to seeing your "Plethora" of anti-pc gaming threads.
I mean hell in the last anti PC thread you just completely dismissed what I had to say when you said console gaming was cheaper then PC gaming.
To call some a fanboy because they have a preference is fanboyism itself. Like what I like or I'll call you a fanboy. Um yeah.
Hate to tell you but there is a difference between fans and fanboys. Its not about being neutral. Unlike you just because I like something doesn't mean I hate something else.
As I said before. I look forward to seeing your "Plethora" of anti-pc gaming threads.
I mean hell in the last anti PC thread you just completely dismissed what I had to say when you said console gaming was cheaper then PC gaming.
No I made my point here. Some "Fanboyism" swings both ways!;)
And I made my point in the other thread to you about PC gaming but I'm not getting into that in here because this thread is about "Fanboys". Another day on the price debate;)
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]To call some a fanboy because they have a preference is fanboyism itself. Like what I like or I'll call you a fanboy. Um yeah.
Hate to tell you but there is a difference between fans and fanboys. Its not about being neutral. Unlike you just because I like something doesn't mean I hate something else.
As I said before. I look forward to seeing your "Plethora" of anti-pc gaming threads.
I mean hell in the last anti PC thread you just completely dismissed what I had to say when you said console gaming was cheaper then PC gaming.
No I made my point here. Some "Fanboyism" swings both ways!;)
And I made my point in the other thread to you about PC gaming but I'm not getting into that in here because this thread is about "Fanboys". Another day on the price debate;)
Yes like how a
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