It's been a long time since i've really followed the FF series, but why is it that 12 is so hated by people while 10 is so loved? 10 has so much stupidity in it.. seriously, i'd love to know why.
What FF doesn't have stuupidity in it? From Time compression (FF8), to chasing Sephiroth across the whole damn planet (FF7), to going inside some random giant robot(FF4), to an end game that goes up to 2 hours without a save point (FF3), to avillain who clearly passes on killing off the maincharacter like 20times and has his damn Castle connected to one of the protagonists (FF5), a Final Fantasy without none sense is not a Final Fantasy.
Let's not bring up FF8, FF8 is bad
There are certainly ridiculous moments in eachFF game i didn't deny that.. but, 10 was just.. ugh. I'm sorry, maybe i just hate Wakka, Tidus, and Rikku to much. and blitz ball. What a stupid thing that is. I'm just curious as to why it's so loved, because i find 12 more bearable.
EDIT: btw, spoony has begun his review of FF10! i trust it'll be an epic review to span the years, like his FF8.
I like X mainly for it's battle system, I find the plot to be one of the worst i've played, but it's still kinda interesting. i also kinda like Wakka and Rikku, they are a bit funny. But it's the battle system that kept me playing.XII, I found the plot to just be very boring, characters were boring, and the battle system was interesting at first, but gets boring fast.
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