I don't think it'll reach the heights of Mario Galaxy, Mass Effect or Bioshoock in terms of quality. But this game is starting to look amazing. Just to recap (for those who don't know already)
- Great Graphics (noticeably better than the GC games)
- Control system that supposedly rivals the PC/Mouse combo
- Stackable Beams
- The return of Ridley
- Ability to call in your ship for air support and as a portable savestation
- AI Temamates (Troopers and bounty hunters)
- Alien Vehicles (so far all we've seen is a huge mech)
- some of the most imaginative enemies seen in a metroid game (those steambot things)
- The ability to visit numerous planets
- The ability to enter "supercharge mode" for limited periiods of time to blow enemies away
- Different Planets
Seriously if they put kraid in there this could be one of the best games ever. I havent been this excited about a Metroid title since Metroid Prime 1
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