Hold on hold on. Before we go again by saying "he does have a point", lets consider everything that he is actually saying. I really dont have as much of a problem about him saying what he said about Japan (because ive never been there) but rather his praises of the West. What have we done??? We have stolen the technology, made profit off of it, and this is the type of ideology that he would praise more than his own country? And if Kojima sees a problem in Japan, then Kojima (being a highly regarded dev) needs to be part of the solution. And if Kojima want to blame someone,then heshould probably blame the generation before them who put that system in place.
Frankly he isn't talking about talent and tech, he's talking about motivation and drive to succeed. Do you honestly see that in the Japanese industry as a whole? I don't for the most part. Its depresseing reading an interview from Japanese devs that aren't nintendo and to some extent capcom. Its like they are doing a good job but thee is no passion.
First of all lets stick to the games and lets not delve into a culture and language that we dont speak.
What about Demon Souls and Bayonetta???
But even more of a point, how many rip offs in America have weve seen in the gaming industry??? CMON PEOPLE this is the same country that has overly milked genres and has many FPS games that it is not even funny. When GTA came out, other devs stole that idea, when Need For Speed Underground came out, many devs took that idea, when GOW came out, now we have games that are labled as GOW drones. And please, dont get me started on how we have milked games.
I know that Japan might not be absolved of all the things he said, but this is something that many people who are foreign people (like Kojima) who look up to the west think, that somehow we dont do a lot of the same stuff that other countries are noted for doing. But thats totally wrong.
Why? This has nothing to do with game quality and ability and everything to do with motivation. That's what Kojima said, that's what I will discuss. And really, please, I don't need to speak Japanese and be Japanese to know that when I read a Japanese interview, I get the impression that the devs aren't very pasionate about their work.
Frankly pointing out milking and clones in America doesn't help your point. In last weeks Famitsu Square Enix announced a Monster Hunter clone, Namco Bandai has a Monster Hunter clone, Phantasy Star Prtable was leeching off of Monster hunters success. How many games try to be Final fantasy in Japan? How many clones of popular RPGs do we constantly see? People try to leech success, that's just business frankly. From Mario clones, to Street Fighter clones, to Halo clones, that's just how it works.
Really, I have a whole set of problems with Japan's industry in games, (well granted I have a problem with just about everything in the game industry) but realistically, if you look at Japan's output this gen, you look at the West's output and you read some interviews, what he is saying doesn't seem too off. Obviously its one perspective and I'm sure there are others but nothing he has said to me seems outta place.
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