This is coming from a die hard MGS fan..
I look at MGS4 and i see a quality title, but thats only when looking at graphics, presentation, characters, story. But when it comes down to gameplay, its pretty average and doesn't give of that same feeling, which IT SHOULD, because its all about gameplay.
In the story, see quality animations, movie like action and immersive depth. once it hits gameplay, it feels like a game...unrealistic with dated animations, a worthless cover system, not enough moves, etc.(tho the new gun play perspective is much better.
Gameplay worked for PS2 titles, like MGS2 and 3, but for a current gen title, with much improved tools, the gameplay should advance just as much as presentation.
Unfortunetly, we all know MGS is all about its story and thats how the developers think, hell, Hideo Kojima wanted to be a director growing up, but landed in the Video game business, so we know why its games are the way they are. (length story, doesn't bother me, love it, BTW)
but its obvious, gameplay is more of a secondary thing with them.
I look at games like Splinter cell or Uncharted, hell gears...and dead space...and playin them feels good, the reactions, movement is solid and up with the times, they feel more like movies, when playing. MGS4 doesn't do this. It's a shame because it has advanced so much in other areas.
I sometimes think to my self, imagine MGS4 with gameplay like gears, uncharted or splinter cell...but of course modified in its own ways. I don't mean exactly, but animation-wise.
I was playing MGS4 the other day, and when in heated battle, its SLOW, in reality, you would be faster, dive to cover, move quick...but do that in MGS4, you have to click a button to attach to a wall, and then move dead slow to move to the edge, then enters a slow animation to have snake look around the corner to shoot. gsus.
Yes i'm ranting on alittle too much, but i'm passionate about MGS, and i think it could be much better. expecially with all the competition out there making much improvements to gameplay.
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