[QUOTE="Conjuredevil"][QUOTE="AmyMizuno"]So a lot of the information from VGChartz just came in. Here are the top three headlines for this week!
MGS4 Sells 1.4 million copies in 2 days.
PS3 outselling Wii for first time.
PSP consistently outselling 360, month after month after month.
Now before you say "VGChartz :lol:" let me remind you that VGChartz is the most accurate pre-NPD source of information reguarding sales of hardware and software.
damage control statements:-
"VG CHARTZ lololololol "
"Sale$ dont matttterr"
"psp is deaddddd finishedddd DS killed it"
"MG$4 has longgggg cut scenes borrringgggg"
VGchartz has had as big as 50% error margins. If thats not lol worthy I don't know what is.
Sales don't matter when it comes to picking the best console, afterall you play games and not sales.... right.
DS is much better than PSP not only in sales but in game library.
and the fourth DC option you provided is just plain ******, and no one would ever say that.
Vg Chartz is used because we dont have any other source at the moment now do we?so why not have fun with it?
when sheeps and lemmings used to come up gba beating ps3 and all but now that ps3 is getting some sales it doesnt matter?seems a bit unfair to me! let ps3 have its time too!
well I respect your choice of ds over psp but I really prefer psp so you cant really justify with your statement that ds is better than psp because that depends on personal choice
fourth option was for random fanboys which I guarantee you would definately see within 10 15 posts!!! because whenever a thread starts with mgs4 its mentioned EVERY SINGLE TIME by trolls and whacked out fanboys.
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