Well, today I picked up a PS3 with a few games. I grabbed Uncharted, Saints Row 2, GTA IV, Resistance, and MGS4, mainly because of the high reviews it got. I loved the other games, but as for MGS4... I just don't really understand. The game itself is easy enough, I'm not having any trouble with it, it's just the gameplay that's getting to me. I appreciate the whole stealth aspect to it, but it feels kind of... meh. I never really liked previous Metal Gear Solid games, so that might be why, but I still don't understand how this could have gotten a 10 rating?
Unlike what a lot of people have said, I really enjoyed the cutscenes. They kept me interested in the game even though I never really got into the basic storyline or characters of the series. It was also a nice break from the gameplay which was my main problem with the game. Am I missing something here? The gameplay just seems very plain. Stealth around, camo into the wall or ground, shoot stuff, sneak through to the next level. While I'm still working on finishing the whole game, I can't say I'm too impressed with what I've seen so far. At least not 10 points worth of impressed.:|
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