Is MGS:The Twin Snakes (GameCube) and good representation of the MGS series?
People go on and on about how this series is so great, how all of them are classics, but based on this game, for the life of me I can't see it.
-Lame dialog. As slick/cool as the cutscenes are, as soon as the dialog starts, I tune out. It's like a 14-year-old wrote this stuff, lame sexual inuendo and all. "You're on a SNEAKING MISSION". Did they really just say that? I can't keep a straight face when they talk, and it's sad that they actually make it sound serious. Snake almost makes Jack Carver (Far Cry) seem like an Oscar winner.
-Poor camera angles. At first I thought "Hmm, this is a bit cooler than Thief of Splinter Cell, I can't just hide in a shadow one foot away from the bad guy. I actually have to stay out of view!"... until I realized I can't see more than a few feet in front of me, unless I use the clunky first-person view.
-Pac-man gameplay...except with bad camera angles. Did this assasin/commando really sneak into this enemy base with nothing but a radio? Is he really unable to put these baddies to rest for more then 10 seconds? Did he watch too many Chuck Norris movies with that spin kick? Get me Jack Bauer, this guy has no idea what he's doing. At least Pac-Man has good vision, eats healthy (fruits), and can WTFPWN ghosts.
Now I expect some flaming based on this, but hear me out. I haven't played any of the other games, so maybe this one just sucks.
When I see MGS4 gameplay, it actually looks good/cool. Over-the-shoulder camera a-la RE4/SC hopefully means no camera angle problems. The dialog in the trailer seems a lot less cheesy with better voice acting. I'm hopeful for MGS4, but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills (/Mugatu) when people say this is the greatest series ever.
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