Let's make a list of games not announced or shown at E3 and speculate as to reasons why.
I'll start:
- Resistance 3- maybe update to engine as Insomniac said it won't do 60fps games anymore, maybe Sony is saving it for later
- The Last Guardian- TGS reveal?
- Demon's Souls 2- either not in development or TGS?
- Starhawk- maybe still early in development, not ready yet?
- Syphon Filter- no clue it's suppposed to have been in development 3 years now
- Agent- rockstar does their own thing
- Milo- maybe it was just smoke and mirrors?
- RE6- reboot back to drawing board?
- Elder Scrolls v- no idea, maybe Bethesda wanted New Vegas to get all the attention
What do you guys think? what other games are mia at E3 and why?
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