1. Health Pack
Yeah, you heard right. What Brain Training did for the DS, Health Pack will do for the Wii. Now I'm sure a lot of you hardcore gamers are groaning out there, screaming things like "bu bu I don't want to get tired playing a game!!! I want to relax!!!" But nobody really gives a crap.
Fact is, losing weight is a fad in and of itself. There are thousands of diets out there: atkins, low-carb, or the old throw-up-after-you-eat shananigan, but the ones that become popular and stay popular are the ones that have results. Health Pack will have results, and damn good ones, too. Hell, it'll probably just make you flail your hands around like an idiot for a set amount of time, but if you're losing weight, then it's exactly what the doctor ordered. C'mon now...you can't tell me America doesn't need a solution to its obesity problem.
2. Fight Night Round Wii
Recently announced, I believe. Beauty of this game comes in two facets: it's being made by EA, and it should be easy to implement. Just imagine it: a fight night game where you throw every single punch, and each is represented in a 1:1 ratio as it pummles into your opponents face. Being that EA is the only third party who's thus far proven that they actually put effort into their control schemes (re: see Madden), I can't think of a better developer for it.
Now why is this important? This is a game that will appeal to everybody. Hardcores and casuals alike will embrace each other in mortal combat fist-fights to the bloodied. The best part? You actually did it yourself. Yes, you. You didn't swing around fumblesticks while sitting on your couch, you were throwing punches faster than Brittany Spears at the papirazi. And there you stand, sweaty and victorious over your fallen opponent. Simply beautiful.
3. Metroid Prime 3
The only truly hardcore game of the trio, Metroid Prime 3 will be important enough to prove the system's worth outside of the Japanese market to hardcore gamers. While the title that will first and foremost show how a FPS on the system should play, MP3's real strengths include full 1:1 motion controls, something that no Wii game has yet to, or will by the time the game ships, accomplish.
So there you have it. The three most important titles coming out for the Wii. Now I'm sure I've managed to piss off a crapload of sheep by not mentioning SSBB or SMG, but let's face facts sheep: if these titles didn't compell consumers to pick up a gamecube, they won't persuade them to purchase a Wii.
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