Think about it, they released a year earier than ps3 and wii right and now wii is ahead of it altogetherand ps3 has already beat it in areas such as japan, spain, france, italy and is outselling it weekly in europe with the NA market keeping 360ahead even selling a few thousand more than ps3 in worldwide sales weekly. The reason why i think they blew it is cause 360 will never havea year like 07where ps3 has had fewer games and no killer apps while 360 kept getting greatgames such as bioshock, gears and it's biggest exclusive halo and also mass effect,it will have great games in the future but 08 looks like sonys year mostly especially towards christmas 08 and microsofts biggest games are now out. I think they blew it cause if they put a price drop during halo 3 launch and done something else it would of hurt ps3 worldwide BADLY and could of killed it in NAbut ps3 is doing very well especially in europe and japan and if you check software sales, in individual european countries in softwareit's doing better than 360 mostly apart from UK. I just think the advantage they had over ps3 is over with ps3 getting great games from NOW onwards such as UT3, haze, uncharted, GTprologue, Mgs4, MOH and well too many to had but i mean most 360 games now will head to ps3 aswell and with ps3 getting better multplats such as Cod4 and UT3 before 360 it makes you think cause there will be no ports anymore.
Overall i think 360 could have widened the gap BIG time in sales if they had price drop by now, i think it could of even took on the wii but now 360 is holding on with the NA market and the worst is behind ps3 and from now onwards it's getting great games with a great christmas selection.I think wii will bethe winner and of course it's too early to tellbut come on, will wii sales calm down anytime soon? so i think it could of gained someground with price drop.
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