As some of you may or may not know, i was a huge lemming. But now i feel like M$ has betrayed me. They have left their original costumers to pursue the money and fame like the Wii. Kinect has ruined anything that was good about the 360. The lack of exclusive games this year and next year is proof of this. Console gaming for the hardcore in general is dieing. Sony seems to be the only one left thats actually trying to keep the hardcore games alive. But soon i can also see sony dumping that. maybe not for the PS3 but for the PS4. you can expect 100% casualized next gen consoles from all three companies.
I loved nintendo when i was a kid....but i would have never guessed that it would be them to kill console gaming for me. they have spread a virus. and they need to burn in hell for it.
anyways i sold my xbox. sure im going to miss halo reach and its going to suck not playing gears 3 next year. but one big exclusive per year is not enough to keep a system.
the only hope for console gaming is for a new company to step in next gen and take over the hardcore market. Apple...they can be the savior of this casual virus.
Who els feels this way?
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