So to put all the "lulz you can only use Kinect standing up" lashes to rest, MS has revealed to Joystiq that you CAN use Kinect sitting down on software that allows it, which is up to the developer. let me say that again. UP TO THE DEVELOPER. The Kinect-enhanced Dashboard will work with you sitting down.
The following is sourced from Destructoid
"Sure, sometimes I stand up from the couch to shout at my television when playing a frustrating game. But in general, I won't be standing up unless the game calls for it. Wondering if you'll be able to remain planted in your seat when using Microsoft's motion sensing Kinect device? Yes… sometimes.
"Kinect can be used while sitting when an experience is developed with sitting in mind," Microsoft clarified toJoystiq. As an example, Microsoft mentioned Dashboard navigation, which would include things like watching video, Video Kinect chat, and more. Outside of the Dashboard stuff, all of the Kinect offerings we saw at E3 required the player be standing. You think people look silly playingDance Central, imagine what they'd look like trying to play that gamesitting down.
But there likely will be software that will keep the player's buttocks firmly planted in seats -- Microsoft says what was shown earlier this year was "only the tip of the iceberg." Lazy gamers around the globe hope they show us the rest of the the iceberg -- the slothful parts -- before Kinect launches this holiday."
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