I was referencing how its funny M$ talks about making people pay for things. I work for Dell too, and lets talk about making people choose technology they don't want. (Vista anyone?). Only for them to abandon it (new OS coming 2009) shortly after.
Vista is all fine, and if you're buying a new PC, you can get the OEM version for much cheaper so it really isn't a problem. I just bought a PC the other day and Vista Ultimate 64 bit (4Gb of RAM, that's why 64bit) cost me about 140EUR that's around $200 USD. Granted it's still not cheap, but I can live with that, while if I'd buy the standard non OEM verion of Ultimate I'd had to pay around 550EUR which is around $780 USD, quite a difference if you ask me.
But I kindly agree with you that such things as Operating Systems should cost way less. 550EUR just to be able to use the computer is an overkill. The price of an OS should be around 100EUR or $150 US. But there's always alternatives to Microsoft, so it's either or.
Aside of that, tech studens get their legal copies for free here where I live, so I could even go ask a friend to get me one for free, and I will do this for my second computer.
I certainly don't think a next microsoft OS is planed before at least 2012, and even if it is, Vista will still work, as will XP and all the previous version. The DirectX 10 only for Vista is a gimmick yeah, but they are allowed to do this, even more gimmicky is games that only run on Vista, but there's not much of those, every smart developer/publisher will make games for DX9 and DX10 at least for a while, on the other hand Halo 2 was so old, that it really doesn't matter if people buy it in masses or not, it was just a Vista sales booster kind of thing.
Aside of that Vista is a prefectly fine OS if you're running newer rigs. It has its problems as all the OSes have at start, it will get ironed out through time like always to a point where minor bugs don't really cause problems. All in all what I'm trying to say is,buying an OS every 5-10 years wont really kill anyone. If you got the money for a computer you can almost always afford the OS if you wish, noone is forcing you to get it.
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