Does anyone else wonder why microsoft doesnt use STEAM with the 360? Valve are constantly eager to expand the service, so i'm sure they'd be delighted to have it on a console. And for microsoft? Well, they wouldnt have to bother upkeeping servers or releasing LIVE dashboard updates any more. They could make LIVE free because... well there wouldnt be LIVE anymore. It'd be STEAM.
It'd be the same kinda service, only they wouldnt have to do anything to run it. They'd also instantly have millions of members already signed up to STEAM, and many millions more seeing as 360 owners would have no excuse not to sign up to a free service. Plus they wouldnt have to bother implementing their own digital distribution infrastructure; there's one right there.
It makes perfect sense to me, and i often wonder why they dont go for it over at microsoft.
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