[QUOTE="The_Game21x"][QUOTE="0rin"]Typical Microsoft. Gloat about blowing wads of cash, where as all the other companies are spending similar amounts of money, and remaining reserved and respectful.
Go America! Go Capitalism! Woooo... .. oo.. yeah.
Yeah. according to this, Sony likes to gloat about spending big wads of cash as well.
But of course, Microsoft is the only one that gets ragged on for it. That's certainly fair.
Just to clear this up, Where in that link does Sony say "We spent $30 million on these kiosks!"? Pretty sure Jack just said they had a bunch of kiosks out there for people to play, rather than gloating about how much they spent.
Microsoft is outright saying "We are spending THIS MUCH money so you will buy our product!"
Hell, I'm not saying Sony or Nintendo are innocent, I'm sure they've tossed out sales figures as well, but MS does this far more openly, and to much greater fanfaire than is needed. They just seem excessive when it comes to showing how "awesome and rich" they are. Sony has been arrogant in the past, absolutely, But it seems lately Microsoft is trying hard for THAT crown as well.
But go ahead and victimise poor Microsoft, the little company that could. Afterall, what did they ever do to us?Jack Tretton confirmed that there were in excess of 15,000 kiosks for people to play. These kiosks cost money, to the tune of 30 million. No, they didn't outright say "we're spending this much money so you'll buy our products" but the kiosks speak for themselves. What are demo kiosks if they aren't playable advertisements? They want you to spend, so they give you a nice, big, interactive reason to do so.
Microsoft's level of arrogance doesn't come close to matching Sony's as they were at the start of this generation. Hell, they've even conceeded that, odds are, they're not going to beat the Wii. The only reason Sony hasn't been as arrogant as they were in the past is because they can't afford to be. This generation, they thought they could sit back and relax as the PS3 continued the PS2's dominance but they were wrong. Both Microsoft and Nintendo gave them a swift kick to the head in that regard.
I'm not victimizing Microsoft. The tone of your earlier argument made them out to be the bad guys while everyone else was a damn saint in your eyes. I'm just putting things in perspective.
"where as all the other companies are spending similar amounts of money, and remaining reserved and respectful."
You did say that, did you not?
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