Don't get me wrong, im not a fanboy, im just wondering why MS words things so vaguely sometimes (except to try and get them more business). Not just at the E3 conf, but other times as well.
For example, all my friends now think Rock Band 2 is 360 exclusive, which it isn't. PS3's RB2 is coming in the Nov/Dec timeframe, while 360's is in September. But people think wrong because MS just said "360 exclusive in September 08".
Also, when they talk about "Why 360 is the number one choice for consumers", they listed games like Assassins Creed, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, and some other game, but they were all multiplatform games with the exception of their Halo 3. Later on they listed COD5, NFS: Undercover, and some sports games as if they were 360 exclusive.
Does anyone else think that this is stupid, misleading and just adds to the fanboy fire?
And im not saying sony and nintendo aren't guilty of it either, because they do it as well, just not as much as MS.
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