This site has been falling apart steadily over the years. Then again, so has journalism in general. Printed media is dead. Everybody is absorbed in social media. Even once reputable news outlets rely on clickbait headlines to get traffic to pander to everyone's over-active lizard brains. And all to sell ads through third party services, most of them scammy bullshit ads. GameSpot isn't necessarily vulnerable for anything they've done, but the future is dystopic consolidation in just about every industry.
Ironically we can look back on the Kane and Lynch and people whining how advertisers influence review behavior, are we better off now with ad tracking services? Oh hell no.
The evolution of social media centers around people's ability to find bias confirmation. A decade ago people would erupt into shitfits if GameSpot gave their precious exclusives a score they felt was unfair, and I mean like giving a game 8 or 9 out of 10 instead of a perfect score, people be like "OMG I'm leaving this site and never going back" and off they go to their safe space circle jerks.
System Wars is a gamer mosh pit, I love it. Honestly, this should be the future of GameSpot. There's countless game news outlets that pretend to be the neutral and objective but come off like they're all staffed with sleeper SonyGAF agents. If they wanna survive, rhey need a unique identity. Nobody else caters to the gaming fanboy battle royale thing, that should be how they differentiate themselves. Revel in it. Nothing is truly more pathetic than people who pretend not to be fanboys but act like it through labored inconsistent abstract rationales. GameSpot should make reveling in your fanboyism a virtue, and throw its dung at those who pretend they're above it. I love fanboys. Of course not everyone will be of the same camp but that's okay I appreciate the universal unrestrained passion for the hobby overall, even if that's messy.
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