Bingo. First one had SO much potential, but terrible execution. Second one should be a bit better anyway
I don't understand what's "terrible" about first Mirror's Edge...
Not the most polished gameplay mechanics,but still,everything worked fine,the game was perfectly playable,can't complain.Nothing "terrible" about it. :?
Forcing you into encounters was bad, using guns at all was bad,no enemy variety really, they talked all the time about momentum in the game and most times you stood around scratching you head on where to go, story was lame.
The controls themselves were good and the FPS view was very immersive and running around performing stuff was a joy. Not to mention the visuals on PC are extraordinary. But it is a horribly flawed game
Hm,more or less,I can agree with some of those points,but none of that makes the overall execution so terrible. :?
There were very few encounters and enemies,so you don't really notice the lack of enemy variety and mediocre gunplay,also,aside from the last few levels,I don't recall any of this "standing around".There was a lot of fluid momentum in the game,especially since most difficulty settings highlight usable and climable objects in red...
Story,while not the best one I ever saw,was still fairly decent.Ultimately,it served its purpose,and cutscenes looked nice,I found the art-style eye-pleasing.
Sure,the game had its flaws,but nothing that severely damaged the playability,or ruined the overall immersion factor...
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