It's been a while so I thought I'd update you all LOL
Insider Daily. Many industry MS haters will try to block DX12 domination for full HSA tech
Insider:The day has come ... When a leader is put in charge that is a driving force for quality and integrity. And a face that every xbox platform holder can reckoned with. as he has been with xbox through think and thin. And with a huge blank check for specific content I.e games. So many games got the green light today. Rare is back. The bungie deal is going through. A lot of xbox heritage is happening. Plus abundance of new I.p ... and like I all way's say .. why ship a game console when the suits/ ant into gaming in general. Now xbox will win this generation with confidence and content.. their couldn't be a better day for the brand... Gaming got the boost it really needed. .And this will really be the worst thing so far for Sony product relation's. :)
Now ... some thing nobody would think. Capcom have a driving action sim/ in development. Its really been in dev for 2 years.. And its a 1st 2nd party effort. Its story anatomy is at the heart of all them big action films too.. but its not a gta rip. It definitely has ray tracing attributes but could be a little while off.. :) e3 may be .. but will have too see what is on the horizon first .. as that's going gold..
Misterx: How can Tim Sweeney be so shit on Microsoft? (latest on Neogaf still don't allow Steam box to have HSA/DX12? :) and Tim want support Gabby? -1 to Tim
Insder: Tim is tim.. he has massive shares in his company and doesn't like to be under mind .. consoles are not his vocal point. Due to technology refresh cycles. It's all about the latest greatest technology. But the man is an asset to all gfx leaps. But some times other rnd company's aim for other attributes.
Its a real shame unreal engine is not supporting future architecture upfront. 4.5 should be a different approach to direct api control and that could be just what unreal needs. One console is not a refresh pc card and that aspect alone is making geniuses angry that they didnt get direct control of steering it instead they have to work towards its..
MIsterx: Can you talk latest info on Steam OS and MS? Will MS allow DX12/HSA for Steam machines? Seems like many against DX12 & HSA and started their hate campaigns. Even AMD with steer away HSA from DX12 and not allow DX12 to dominate HSA hardware....Hope MS has strong veto on HSA licensing.
Also, seems like Tim refused to support full HSA in Unreal 4 and MS backed up Crytek. But you also said UE4 is ok on Xbox One..Why to wait for UE4.5? For what functions to be implemented?
Insider: The pc market is totally different to the console markets.. in regards to easy of use and the consumer will get a 5 year + life on hardware. Pc and steambox's 12 months pc hardware and then cost. No steambox will match x1 for cost of hardware 499 vs 1200 cos ray tracing tier 2 is going to cost big $$$ on the pc market..
steambox is about taking expansive hardware and stream lining its use. Basically good bye keyboard and mouse. Direct and online 24/7. Sounds like what xbox brand has been for years. Except they don't have the ability to ward of mass ddos or account intrusions. And if 80 million uses get all there cc or account hacked good bye steam. Because the pc guys ant that forgiving when it comes to incompetence.
But the big echo through out the industry. Windows 8 ports to x1 are mere day to cross port. But x1 to pc is not so .. in till windows or pc devs have the resources to test code on hundreds and thousands of different hardware configurations. Something that even valve can not achieve ether. Not just that you have different approach's with api now and engine's and constructor values. Its just the problem that can not unified between hardware manufacturers.There never going to agree 100% and there lies the true weakness of pc evolution. Consoles have then beat.
Hilarious as always: Discuss.
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