[QUOTE="TriangleHard"] I hate it when professional reviewers are giving their "opinions"
I mean you really can't help giving out subjective point of view in something like reviewing games etc, but I hate to hear them talk about how it's "just" their opinion.
To me, I think reviews should be objective analysis of games and making a judgement of quality of the products. Not just an opinion. If I wanted opinion, I can get it from this forum instead of going to sites to find reviews.
They are getting paid for their work, and I certainly hope they don't get paid to give out opinions, but analysis of a product and make fair judgement on it. If it's opinion I can give that out too and I don't need to get paid for it.
Sorry man, it's their opinion and their taste and they will rate the game accordingly to that...Maybe they might run it against each other to be morestable "officially"but I doubt it since the reviews come in shortly after the game is released if not earlier.....That's why Tony Hawk3 scored a perect 10...and other much more deserving games that came out that year didn't.
You're better off going with your own flow than following someone elses opinions I say.
Well I don't look at the scores anyway.
I usually read reviews to see positives and flaws of the game and game design itself, which reviews have.
basically, I take all the analysis part and make my own darn judgement.
Still when it comes to scoring, I think reviewers should have more objective view towards it because gaming industry is not young industry anymore. Things have to become more professional.
Which is why I used to really like Greg K.'s review because I felt like that's what he did mostly. Sometimes he was little off, but more often than not, he was very good at staying objective, at least that's how I felt.
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