Really? You think Zelda needs voice acting, I wouldn't have guessed that, but I disagree. Soundtrack is there, and I agree with the story. Although, I beat Majora's Mask the other day and I hadn't played for months, finally beat it, and I really felt a connection to that story, or at least the atmosphere, actually that happens in every Zelda game I beat, so maybe it is just part of how it tells it connects you to the world, which is what you already said so... forget about what I just typed I guess. I'll leave it there as an example.
Like the first Metroid Prime did that very well while the others didn't do that very well at all. I mean the atmosphere was there as always, be the connection to the world(s) just wasn't. I suppose this is all opinion though.
Sorry if this post seems off, or just flat out terrible. I'm really tired.
Well, as far as soundtrack is concerned, it would be nice if it was completely orchestrated. I don't think Zelda needs voice acting, but it would be nice to have it. It would be great if the other characters with the exception of Link spoke their dialogue. That being said, Zelda has powerful scenes even without voice acting.
This scene from Skyward Sword is probably the most emotionally powerful scene I've seen this gen. It's absolutely heartbreaking. The powerful parts start at 9:22 and last 'till the end of the video.
Hell screw Skyward Sword...Major's Mask has far superior scenes of sadness. MM is a special game...has ways of stirring emotions in you with very streamlined story telling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnOFADtAdmo
The only thing Majora's Mask has over Skyward Sword is that amazing timer, and even then Skyward Sword has motion controls, to me they are tied for my favorite Zelda games
As for voice acting, I can say I'm glad it isn't there, unfortunately I think it might be soon. I think someone who worked on Skyward Sword said something about it, maybe Eiji, or whatever, I don't have a source just remember it from the hype thread. Back to what I was saying. I watch a lot of Let's Plays, and it is frequently that for Nintendo games, since they lack voice acting, the commentator may read the text. Sometimes they do it in voices, and a lot of those times the characters tone and voice conflicts with the one I perceive. Not really a problem since it is just some video on the Internet, although there have been some that I just can't watch, it can be annoying sometimes. Now If I had to play a game where every character I am familiar with is out of that character it would probably get pretty irritating, and possibly damper my experience with the game, especially when it would be canon. Like Super Mario Sunshine, even though the only characters known there that talked were... Peach and the rest was fitting. Anyway, games like Kid Icarus: Uprising can get away with it since nobody cared before, but when you've let peoples imaginations go free and then take that away it doesn't go well.
Man what is this a paper? This is why you-- well I, shouldn't type tired.
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