So my response to a SW thead kinda went into left field a bit and I thought maybe it would be best to make a separate thread on the topic. This isn't some new insight or anything but basically I feel like modern AAA game design is really stale on a most fundamental level. For reference and because I'm too fucking lazy to type a similar paragraph here is that post:
"Well I've never played a ME game (my brother calls me a dirty sinner all of the time for this) but this one looks quite ambitious. However, that ambition can lead to a lack of focus and with that said I feel like the combat in the game looks...wonky. Something about the stiff animations or the common trope of a way overpowered character is just really off-putting. Why do I always have to play as an ultra-mega-badass in every game? And, I'm jumping to conclusions here, do devs tend to over look things as basic as movement and the feel of combat? Story, setting, art, characters shouldn't even be in consideration until moving your character around a generic space feels right, feels fun and feels satisfying even while doing very basic things. Not to go off on too much of a tangent but, yeah, it seems ME:A might fall victim to this clutter-the-gameworld-with-a-bunch-shit-and-skill-trees-and-customization-but-basic-gameplay-is-uninspired-and-leaves-the-game-somehow-feeling-dense-but-shallow trap.
Yeah, I'll STFU now but the focus on content/immersion over the basics is an irritating trend in modern gaming. Muh immersions!"
So if you can't infer what I'm getting at from the above my problem is with the most basic of gameplay/design and player-control (if such a term makes sense). It seems like nearly every game contains the same control layout (which, yeah can sometimes be customized but that's besides the point) within genres and often times across genres. Shooting mechanics in FPS/TPS very often feel the same, cover mechanics feel the same, aiming is boiled down to just L-trigger, R-trigger, repeat...I think you get the idea. Where is the variety? Where is the concern for the most nuanced of gameplay: movement, aiming, interacting with the environment, level design etc?
Don't get me wrong, these complaints don't render games unplayable for me. Hell, I loved RDR even with it's puddle-deep gameplay (I know, I know, hypocrite much?). But I didn't really love it as a game as much as I enjoyed it as an experience. The setting, story, likable main character etc went a long way for me. The problem is when all of those things fail to click and I'm left with the core gameplay. And Rockstar's simple style just doesn't cut it when you fail to be charmed by all of the tertiary factors in the game and to make matters worse all of their games follow the same mold. A lot of devs seem to think cluttering games with repetitive shit to do somehow compensates for a lack of quality design.
A good comparison of two games having a distinct feel and player-control from one another is MGS2 v gen 6 Splinter Cell. Both cinematic, stealth/ action games that share some concepts but the core gameplay and level design/philosophy between the two are worlds apart. We just don't see that kind of variety these days. Yeah taking risks on game design effects the business side. Some gamers are much more "casual" nowadays. Still, can I get some new shit, please? Can I have like a straight forward action game sans a fucking skill-tree, leveling system? Can a dev design a game with a difficulty curve that requires me, the player, to actually improve in skill as the game progresses?
Does this bother anyone else? BTW most of the mainstream entertainment industries have the same problems.
TL:DR Pfft, read the small amount of text above, lazy.
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