Lately, the RPG genre has been stagnant with little to NO innovation as well as crappy renditions of the proven formulas laid down by SSI, Troika, and Bioware.
Most RPGs now have little to no choices and consequences, they're simple, and the character development is laughable by Fallout standards. I am one of those people who truly think that the 90s were the hayday of RPG gaming, and many RPG fans seem to agree.
Nowadays, it seems that TES: OBlivion or Mass Effect is the de facto standard for RPGs and it's sad. They don't offer ANYTHING that Fallout didn't besides a major graphical overhaul and in most ways they offer less. Choices and consequences are non-existant, writing is poor(Mass Effect might be the exception), Storylines are ass, combat is mindless as is the gameplay, and the overall depth is lacking.
I'm playing Baldur's Gate right now and I'm litterly dumbfounded by how developers could have forgotten this perfect formula.
So I'm curious, does anyone on here agree with me, have RPGs been getting crappier?
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