WW2 has longevity, whether you like it or not. BF3 is out, but I've already been sick of modern-era fighting since Bad Company 2. The thing that CoD4 had going for it was its novelty, but at the end of the day, I largely prefer the SAS missions over the America-in-Unnamedistan missions. In this, CoD is more like a spy/espionage shooter than an out-and-out warfare simulator.
I'm no lover of CoD, but I'm getting to the point where I might think MW3's campaign will be a lot better than BF3's. From what I've seen of BF3's, it's just a straight up WMD-hunt-with-military-toys. I can get that experience and better with ARMA 2.
World War 2 is not boring. It's the devs who choose to recreate Normandy that make it boring. Saving Private Ryan was a nice movie and it's pretty much become the basis of everything WW2, but the war didn't start on June 6th, 1944. That's what more devs need to realise, thank you Tripwire.
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