@quadknight said:
@daniel_su123: I couldn't care any less about mods on consoles. IMO if you're trying to mod on consoles you've already failed. Get a PC.
PS4 owners may get treated as second class citizens for mods but at least they still get exclusive games. Xbone owners are second class when it comes to games, the thing that actually matters.
Oh stop with your damage control. Just because PS4 is crap and can not do mods do not act like they are not great on Xbox One for damage control.
I admit PC is better but there are thousands of mods on Xbox One. So just because PS4 can not do it at all and maybe in the future it is some gimped version do not act like the PS4 or Xbox or even close. This is just another example of how the Playstion fails.
Here are just the mods I have for FO4, and mind you there are 3982 mods for Xbox
2 new radio stations that only play music.
another radio station that also adds a voiced companion
unlimited building and 99 settlers for a players area.
A green mod that adds plant life everywhere and it is pretty drastic. No more dead earth everywhere.
3 different mods that add new areas for exploring in buildings that were normally closed off.
Sanctuary looks pre-war which is pretty cool
The modern weapon mod which is awesome. So enjoy cranking your laser musket while I used my Scar smg or fully modded Light machine Gun.
two different character texture mods
2 performance enhancing mods
a patch mod that obviously patches the game in areas
2 clothing mods
A mod that allows you to not have to attack your own settlements in Nuka-World DLC
A mod that adds new quests - which I will delete after I am done and download the others that add new quests.
A mod that makes buildings lite up that were not before to give it a more worldly feeling.
All that and I am only around 2/3 the way through so plenty more space for more.
There are some crazy mods but I am more the type to stay lore friendly.
As far as the game BS you said, Xbox just got Forza Horizon which is doing great across the board and soon Gears which is getting glowing previews. What new game is the PS4 getting? Let me guess some $15 jrpg called NoOneCaresAbout 15.
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