LoL..... I'm just trying to optimize my experience while putting in as little effort as possible...... I mean I'm a simple gamer too....... I just happen to be lazier.
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Yeah, I understand that frame data is just a part of fighting games, but I could never get to the point where I just know it off the top of my head for a large cast of characters like in USF4.
In a way Mortal Kombat is easy to understand cause it hands you your standard 1 2 and 1 2 3 combos, but MKX has an execution barrier to get past cause the cancel window is pretty tight. I can understand not liking certain motion inputs, characters that have them and are an integral part of playing them just turns me off.
Learning matchups is pretty important in fighting games, you need to understand how to fight other characters with the character you're playing.
So essentially a Match Up is a comparison of a Character's Advantages and Disadvantages in relation to the special traits of the opponents they are facing........
is that why Sabaki and Zoning Characters are usually on top of these Tier Lists ?
Sabaki's can be a freaking pain in the ass....... in DoA very very very very very few Characters have them. I think only about 5 of the 34 Characters have Sabaki moves.... and even then they branch off into different.... uhm...... specialisations for each of them......
I'm gonna use KI as my example since that's my game. Think of matchups like how I need to play against Glacius and Spinal as Jago. Against a zoning Glacius with Jago I would want to uppercut Ice Lances, throw out fireballs to counter Glacius' slow floaty jump, and keep Glacius within Shadow Wind Kick range to get through projectiles. Now against Spinal you will want to play more aggressively and not let Spinal start his pressure, but you can't just throw out specials because Spinal can absorb them and get skulls and if it's a teleporting Spinal you'll want to OS his teleport. So you see that with Jago I have to play differently depending on what character I'm fighting, so it's about understanding what you have to do as your character to beat what your opponent is doing with their character which boils down to understanding what your opponent's character can do.
Never heard the term Sabaki, but I don't think zoning characters make it to the top of a whole lot of tier lists, there are some, but it's not like an epidemic of top tier zoning characters.
I learned many if these terms recently.... I literally didn't know about them last week ago........ it all started when learned Yomi several months. It also doesn't help that 2D games and 3D games are totally different when it comes to terms and strategies.
Anyway..... a Sabaki is an attack that will swallow and counter hit against specific types of an Opponents attacks......
Its not like the Armoured Attacks of Shadow Moves in KI but the idea is similar enough.
Sabaki's usually swallow up one handed attacks from opponents...... so when playing against them you might want to Kick and Throw, or use Riskier Moves that are slower but allow to attack with Both Hands..... a good match up would be have a character with Fast Elbows, Shoulder and HeadButt attacks.......
The cool thing about Fighting Games is that even if the Match is not in your favour..... you can compensate for your disadvantages using alil Yomi........ I saw this one match in Injustice where some dude was using Death Stroke...... against The Green Lantern he goes full screen distance and spams a butt load of Projectiles..... but against The Flash he gets Upclose and Personal because The Flash can dash through projectiles for easy punish.
Of course such a strategy is only viable if you have a character with alil bit of everything........ like Jago..... he's got atleast one viable Projectile Option where.... uhm whats that dudes name again..... Sabre Wolf ? Anyway.... he has none...... you need to play alil harder to force your primary strategy to work.... if somebody decides to pull a Glacius on you.
On a side Note..... what does "OS" mean ?
Okay, I think I understand Sabaki, a character that might fit that term in KI is Hisako since she has a high and low counter that gives her a full combo.
Matchups depends on the characters and what tools they have to utilize against the opponent, Jago is a shoto like Ryu so he's basically the jack of all trades master of none character.
OS = Option Select
Oh man I hate those....... infact I consider Option Selects To be a dirty tactict...... atleast as far as Street Fighter is concerned.
And yep...... Sabaki's and Parries are pretty much enterchangable....... usually.
I always considered a Sabaki as a move that gives you a counter attack and a Parry as something that gives you Advantage.......
KI's Roster is really starting to fill out...... and they haven't run out of unique character trait ideas yet...... game is all kinds of awesome.
KI's roster is part of what makes the game so good, the devs really push to make each character different and each looks and plays as awesome as the last. Some people think the devs have gone crazy or something with the Season 2 characters and all the tools they have in comparison to the more "basic" Season 1 characters. What people don't understand is that you can only make characters so dissimilar before you have to venture further to make them stand out from one another. KI isn't Street Fighter where you can have 3 shotos with the same moves for the most part, it just doesn't work especially with a combo system all characters follow.
Well..... aren't you gonna tell him why ?
Some serious money is at stake here. :0
Why ?!
Story mode , cutscenes , graphics , gameplay , sound design , backgrounds , lore , gore , characters , apparell content like no other fighting game for its money overall ! What more to ask from a fighting game ?
Well..... aren't you gonna tell him why ?
Some serious money is at stake here. :0
Why ?!
Story mode , cutscenes , graphics , gameplay , sound design , backgrounds , lore , gore , characters , apparell content like no other fighting game for its money overall ! What more to ask from a fighting game ?
Lots of very subjective preferences you've presented there.
Damn Straight...... I wish it was multiplatform though......... this franchise could have really taken off if a better publisher thought of it first.
I hope the rumors are true abd it comes to PC.
This is just how it was kinda gonna play out since MS owns the IP. The rumors of a PC port are indeed true the devs want to do it, it's just not in the works right now since the dev team is small and it's not high priority for them right now plus MS probably has to probably allow it.
I hope KI gets a PC port as well so more people can play it and the community can expand.
From what i've heard KI has an excellent net code but no one plays this game anymore, aka you'll be playing with three other players online. MKX is awesome but net code is, well, lets just not talk about it.
On the Plus side Street Fighter 5 only being on two platforms means the Community might not expand..... it might even shrink..... aint that the stuff of miracles. :D
I know..... I'm a horrible person. :p
Honestly I doubt it since the Street Fighter community is the biggest one out there with international support. I don't think Street Fighter is the real problem in the FGC though, but again that's a whole other conversation. I'll just say I'm not the biggest Street Fighter fan, I just enjoy playing it casually sometimes and watching it.
From what i've heard KI has an excellent net code but no one plays this game anymore, aka you'll be playing with three other players online. MKX is awesome but net code is, well, lets just not talk about it.
There's still people playing KI, a lot of people have jumped over to MKX since it just came out, but there's still plenty of people on KI. You might run into the same people in ranked a few times, but it's usually in the same rank ladder.
Better mechanics for both Noobs and Pros. And stable netcode.........
Content is nice but the novelty wears off faster than you think. Remember.... these are fighting games.... not action adventure games.......
Better mechanics ... woot ?
As for netcode , those things can be fixed soon or later .
When you paying for a game you have to consider every little thing it offers. Story mode and content , unlockabes etc , is a huge plus to titles value
Well..... aren't you gonna tell him why ?
Some serious money is at stake here. :0
Why ?!
Story mode , cutscenes , graphics , gameplay , sound design , backgrounds , lore , gore , characters , apparell content like no other fighting game for its money overall ! What more to ask from a fighting game ?
Lots of very subjective preferences you've presented there.
This is just how it was kinda gonna play out since MS owns the IP. The rumors of a PC port are indeed true the devs want to do it, it's just not in the works right now since the dev team is small and it's not high priority for them right now plus MS probably has to probably allow it.
Its not subjective when KI cant even go near MK X as a total package.
It can be remedied..... but it most definitely will not be "fixed" down the line....... that type of thing happens so rarely.
Anyway when playing a game you have to consider what type of game you are playing and then consider what it offers.........
Content is a huge Temporary plus...... story will run its corse.... cutscenes will be skipped.... mini games will lose their novelty and be revealed for the gimmicks they really are....... DLC will run out if your wallet doesn't dry first.......... gore will bore you in less than a week.......
The content will run its course......... I don't see people talking about any of it a month from now but I do expect people to discuss the games mechanics....... the duration of that discussion depends on the depth of those mechanics........
Or maybe I'm wrong.......
Uh yes it can when you're throwing out graphics, gameplay, sound design, backgrounds, lore, and characters cause all this is up to preference.
Oh I've been dying to ask...... Whats your Button Setup for DoA ?
Just standard. I never mess with the controls.
I changed them in both DoA and VF......... its those pesky colours... why is Hold Green but bound to the X button which is blue and Throw Blue but bound to the A button which is green.
Thats why I changed them.......... and not once did this ever present a problem when playing the game....... but all of a sudden now I'm having doubts........ gona practice them in default just to see what I've been missing on.
Uh yes it can when you're throwing out graphics, gameplay, sound design, backgrounds, lore, and characters cause all this is up to preference.
So you took out everything else. Fair enough.
So , MK X has not better graphics , isnt deeper gameplay wise , sound desing isnt top notch , backgrounds are not way more lively and well detailed , like MK hasnt better lore with such great past it has and characters like Scorpion etc arent worldwide icons that literally everyone knows about the last 20 years.
Did i forget that MK was such a hit that had numerous movies since 90s ?
Yeah , everything i said is subjective.
It can...... gameplay counts alot more than a cutscene as far as totall packages go...... they are not weighted the same.......
Im talking about the whole package and whole package MK X >>> KI by miles . Cutscenes are just a way to say a story and is a plus.
Well KI doesn't have a story yet, it will in June and gore isn't a part of KI or most fighting games in general so it's up to personal preference whether you want over the top gore. But it's good to see that you acknowledged that it's all subjective and up to personal preference.
I personally couldn't recommend one over the other because they both play drastically different.
Killer Instinct is a bit easier because most of the combos chain into each other so easily but you opponent can break out of them with easy due to a single button combination push. Which forces you to learn how to mix up button press to get people in the situation of a lock out. You learn about these things when you play the game.
Mortal Kombat X on the other hand feature dial combo which are a bunch of preset combos and you have to learn the timing to sting combos together. The came also feature a combo breaking feature but it uses meter and get built up slowly during matches.
Other than those two main features both games share an ex-meter burn like feature and have about a 6 button lay out. The one thing I had to get used to was a dedicated block button for MKX verse just holding back to block in KI or even a SFIV. Can't honestly go wrong with either game in my opinion.
The whole package is a poor way of deciding which fighting game you'l be playing for the next 2 years.......
I mean if you're going to do that you might aswell skip the genre all together and buy an RPG........
The whole package is a way of deciding when it comes to value.
Since the guy asking us which we recommend and WHY ( key word ) you should say which one you recommend and WHY ( keyword ) ... Im not like you to say " Choose MK X because i say so or because i like it more " ... Thats idiotic and fanboyistic.
Finnest example of this is when my taste says RAYMAN is the best platform yet i cant deny the high quality values of Mario games just because they are not my cup of tea. If you wannna do that ,do it. I wont ! MK X >> KI all day long and i already explained why to help the guy buy whats the best deal and the best game overall out of those 2.
Atleast they actually use colours..... this is a great advantage on the Xbox Controllers...... much more than the shapes on the PS Controllers....... on the other hand..... shapes are easier to recognize than the letters on the Xbox Controller.
In Street Fighter all you get is Red and White...... I swear theres some sort of conspiracy to sell more Fight Sticks when it comes to Street Fighter's Controls and Interface........ its Diabolic.... you know.... if its true. :p
@ProtossX: You sound creepy. Is that all you talk about is the PS4? I could not care less about fighting over which console is better. I'm simply asking about which fighting game would be more my style.
i'm sure i saw him praise X1 in another thread just moments ago... try-hard manticore?
This dude is a super troll in every since of the word. He goes into Xbox threads and bash them to praise Sony then you'll see him into Playstation threads and bash them to praise MS. He's just dumb and looking for attention.
@ProtossX: You sound creepy. Is that all you talk about is the PS4? I could not care less about fighting over which console is better. I'm simply asking about which fighting game would be more my style.
i'm sure i saw him praise X1 in another thread just moments ago... try-hard manticore?
This dude is a super troll in every since of the word. He goes into Xbox threads and bash them to praise Sony then you'll see him into Playstation threads and bash them to praise MS. He's just dumb and looking for attention.
Well unlike last gen there is a lot to hate about both ps4/xb1 and i own both, im not a sheep that just loves everything about both the systems i own, i got issues and they come out around here we can't all be lovey dovey with everything we own
Your problem is your treating Fighting Games like a finite genre such as platformers...... yes in that genre cutscenes and story and all that content does weigh more and is higher value given that its often not a replayable genre..... it begins and it ends......... but Saying MK is better because it has Cutscenes not a real argument if the life span of the game is based on its core mechanics.....
If you wana play it like that then fine....... games like Naruto can join the ranks of MK since it too has a bunch if Content.
@ProtossX: You sound creepy. Is that all you talk about is the PS4? I could not care less about fighting over which console is better. I'm simply asking about which fighting game would be more my style.
i'm sure i saw him praise X1 in another thread just moments ago... try-hard manticore?
This dude is a super troll in every since of the word. He goes into Xbox threads and bash them to praise Sony then you'll see him into Playstation threads and bash them to praise MS. He's just dumb and looking for attention.
Well unlike last gen there is a lot to hate about both ps4/xb1 and i own both, im not a sheep that just loves everything about both the systems i own, i got issues and they come out around here we can't all be lovey dovey with everything we own
It's not about being lovey dovery, you just a troll. This thread isn't about the PS4 or X1, it's about what game would be better for this guy, MKX or Killer Instinct so what does your trolling X1 and PS4 have to do with what he wants? How does telling him to buy a PS4 helps him with his decision?
@ProtossX: You sound creepy. Is that all you talk about is the PS4? I could not care less about fighting over which console is better. I'm simply asking about which fighting game would be more my style.
i'm sure i saw him praise X1 in another thread just moments ago... try-hard manticore?
This dude is a super troll in every since of the word. He goes into Xbox threads and bash them to praise Sony then you'll see him into Playstation threads and bash them to praise MS. He's just dumb and looking for attention.
Well unlike last gen there is a lot to hate about both ps4/xb1 and i own both, im not a sheep that just loves everything about both the systems i own, i got issues and they come out around here we can't all be lovey dovey with everything we own
It's not about being lovey dovery, you just a troll. This thread isn't about the PS4 or X1, it's about what game would be better for this game, MKX or Killer Instinct so what does your trolling X1 and PS4 have to do with what he wants?
Okay ill clear this up.
Do you see why i said buy a ps4 now or are you still confused bigshot?
@ProtossX: You sound creepy. Is that all you talk about is the PS4? I could not care less about fighting over which console is better. I'm simply asking about which fighting game would be more my style.
i'm sure i saw him praise X1 in another thread just moments ago... try-hard manticore?
This dude is a super troll in every since of the word. He goes into Xbox threads and bash them to praise Sony then you'll see him into Playstation threads and bash them to praise MS. He's just dumb and looking for attention.
Well unlike last gen there is a lot to hate about both ps4/xb1 and i own both, im not a sheep that just loves everything about both the systems i own, i got issues and they come out around here we can't all be lovey dovey with everything we own
It's not about being lovey dovery, you just a troll. This thread isn't about the PS4 or X1, it's about what game would be better for this game, MKX or Killer Instinct so what does your trolling X1 and PS4 have to do with what he wants?
Okay ill clear this up.
Do you see why i said buy a ps4 now or are you still confused bigshot?
Like I said, you're a troll cause that doesn't help this guy with his question. He didn't ask should I buy a PS4, he said what game is better for him on the console he owns which clearly is the Xbox One. I'm at work and look at these forums and all I see you do all day long is troll back and forth about both consoles. Obviously the PS4 isn't on his radar cause he didn't ask about it. Maybe he'll get it, maybe he won't but you trolling doesn't answer anything.
To answer your question, like everyone has been saying in here, Killer Instinct has a bit more of a learning curve. Still a fun game and deep fighting game if you put the time into learning it. MKX has a way better story and you'll probably find more people playing it now more than Killer Instinct and it's easier to master.
Heres a fun fact........ so you know that Tina is DoA's most proficient Grapple Specialist right......... shes got the most throws and the most types of throws in the game.........
But she doesn't have All of Them....... the one grapple not in her arsenal is a Juggle Throw...... she just can't throw people into the Air for a juggle...... but Bass can.....
So technically since he does have litterally all the throws then hes the actual grappling king.
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