Okay, we got the wii, the 360, and ps3, which one will have the most sales in 2008? I personally think the 360, why? Because most multi-platform big titles like devil may cry 4, cod 4, assassins creed are all on the 360. Yes they are on the ps3. They may be better, But they won't sell the system because people will see the same game on the 360 and say why buy the ps3 for this game. when i can buy a arcade pack that is only 250 bucks or the pro that is 320 with a game. A ps3 is 400. so...anyways. either you buy a game and system for 380 bucks or a system and a game for 460 bucks. which one do u think they buy? the average consumer also thinks the ps3 is more powerful therefore has the higher price tag and more games. but then they'll see the ps3 has way less games they like and more or less japanese rpg titles and alike. They'll then look at the 360 and see more titles they may enjoy or want to try because they semm for familiar to them.
So anways...i lost my concentration because my bud came over and is trying to get me to get out of here....so in conclusion, i forgot what i was talking about and say the 360 will sell more and become more poplular leaving the ps3 to the hardcore as the gamecube was to last generation. This current gen won't fail the Play station brand but be a major set back for tatics and finances.
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