Thers always many topics and lists with the best characters and other stuff. But not with one important aspect of games, the location. IMO its crucial to have a good location, with good atmosphere that drawns you in. So hers a few of my favorites.
No specific order. And i know im forgetting a lot of them. These are from the top of my head.
SHADOW MOSES ( Metal gear solid 1 and 4 )
"Shadow Mosesis an island that is part of theFox Archipelagolaying south-west of mainlandAlaskain the Bering sea. It was the location whereArmsTechand DARPA decided to developMetal Gear REXand a new type of stealth nuclear missile"
Probably the most memorable location in Metal Gear franchise. It all started here in MGS1 and it all ended here in MGS4. Returning to Shadow moses in MGS4 was a touch of genius of kojima. Probably one if not my favorite moement this gen so far.
Returning to Shadow Moses MGS4 video
RACCOON CITY ( Resident Evil franchise )
"Raccoon City is a fictional city in theUnited Statesand serves as thesettingfor fourResident Evilvideo games. The city and its outlying areas house severalbioengineeringlaboratories belonging to theUmbrella Corporation. These laboratories developvirusesthat can mutate humans and animals!
The most iconic zombie apocalypse city. With memorable locations such as the police station, the clock tower, umbrella labs, and the mansion. Great atmosphere and a place RE needs to return one day. Without Raccoon city RE lost a bit of its charm.
MIDGAR ( Final fantasy 7 and spin offs)
"Midgaris the capital city of the world ofFinal Fantasy VIIand its spin-offs. It is the most technologically advanced location ever constructed onThe Planet. Built by theShinra Electric Power Company, it is home to the corporation'smain headquarters, which dominates the city skyline. Thanks to its eightMako Reactors, the city's massive power demands are easily met, but at a cost: the surrounding countryside has become a wasteland lacking any vegetation. Being ruled with an iron fist by the police-state Shinra and with its dark atmosphere, Midgar easily fits the vision of a dystopian future"
Probably the most iconic location in one of the most most iconic games of all time. When most game locations in RPG till that time were set in an old school fantasy european medieval setting, Midgar dared to be different with his steam punk ****that made it one of the most memorable cities of all time.
Escape from Midgar video
GTA cities ( Liberty ciy, San Andreas, Vice City )
Altough i hate liberty city, i think they are all pretty memorable. San Andreas is my favorite.
The post apocalyptic world of FFX. Its a small world almost completely covered in water due to Sin destruction, all big cities of the past are submersed and in ruins. Not all post apocalyptic worlds need to be black, gray and with a boring wasteland. This and FFIX world are probably my favorites ever in a game. You can see its a world with lot of history behind. Spira is mostly based in the South Pacific islands of our world, mostly Okinawa island. Just another proof that each FF is different and innovates with each main title, not continuing to use the same influences to create their worlds. Never so much effort as been put in created a believable and amazing world like in FFX.
Hers a few of the game locations:
To be continued...
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