Hers just a few of the most memorable in my opinion. No order. Post yours, and add a pic at least.
Dr Neo Cortex, Crash Bandicoot Franchise
Still remember the guy? What can i say, just look at him, hes ****ing insane.
Dr Neo Cortex Battle~
Sephiroth FF7
"Sephiroth's strength is unreal. He is far stronger in reality than any story you might have heard about him."—Cloud Strife to his party
The most badass villian in video game history and one of my favorites. From the theme to the name itself, no other villian comes close. Tell me any other villian that has an orchestrated song with a chorus singing in latin his name.
Sephiroth Batlle FF7 CC
Sin / Yu Yevon, FFX
"He who crafts the souls of the dead into unholy armor. An armor called Sin. Clad in it, Yu Yevon is invincible."—Grand Maester Mika
One is Sin, the greatest giant monster ever. Terrible underrated for falsely being acused of being nothing more than a giant whale. When hes way more than that.The other is even more underrated due to the fact hispersonality is also utterly unknown as he has no dialogue in his single appearance, also, his appearance is somewhat of a mystery, as he is never shown in human form.Mystery is the right word for these 2 the entire game. You dont know nothing about them but in the end they end up being the villians with more backstory in the entire franchise.Probably my favorite " Villians " of all time tied with Sephiroth, but in this case these arent really villians.
Nemesis Resident Evil 3
What an ugly son of a ****. He scared me every time he appeared in RE 3 when i was a kid. He apperead out of nowhere when everything was calm just to scare the hell out of you. Most memorable monster iv ever seen. All his moments in RE3 were great.
Nemesis at Police Station
Liquid Ocelot MGS
Liquid wasnt that memorable to me IMO, but Liquid Ocelot defenetly is. Hes evil and has one of the best boss battles ever in MGS4.
Psycho Mantis MGS
MGS is well known for having some of the most memorable bosses, altough MGS4 failed in this area, Psycho Mantis is a masterpiece from Kojima. Not really the guy himself, but the boss battle. Seriously, he could read your memory card and tell you what games you had been playing. You had to change your memory card to port 2 so he couldnt read your moves and you could beat him. Pure genius. Maybe the most original boss battle of all time. Heck, it defenetly is.
Psycho Mantis fight MGS Remake LOL
Tekken, Heihachi and Kazuya MishimaIn case you dont know Heahchi Voice Actor died yesterday. RIP. But i think these are no doubt an icon in video games villians. Kazuya is ****ing crazy and evil.Thats it, thers many others good villians, im sure you will name a few, like Kefka that i dislike and is terrible overrated, but im tired of typing.
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