I've been tracking the game Haze for the PC and Ps3 and well, I think it's absoloutle crap.
One of the biggest problems I have with it is the lead designer (I cant remember his name, he's British thats all i know lol) bad mouthed halo as being "Immature" while most of Haze has Halo-like elements. Such as:
4 player co-op, Warthog-like vehicle, gun which reminds me of the Assault rifle, and the character models.
Plus, the game has this cheesy trailer which made me dry heave. The main character is such a DO*CHE.
Here's the link to the corny trailer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y0LRORebC5A
So, basically the game has nothing. It stole from Halo, has an idiotic, cheesy and cliched Main character and the gameplay looks kinda bland. Hopefully the hype will die down from this.
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