I made a thread a few days ago (actually a day ago) about what you guys thought was the most broken weapon/character/item/etc (WCIE) in a game. Here is the link if you want to revisit it to check it out: Click Me!! Anyways, now I'm curious which WCIE you think takes the most skill to use in a game. Let me reiterate that this is not "Which is the most underpowered character in a game." We all know Sonic from SSBB is underpowered trash, that does not make him the most skillful to use. It just makes you an idiot for trying. When 2 people of equal skill play SSBB and one decides to use Sonic, he will lose everytime except for the time the other guy has an epileptic siezure, and even then he might still lose. What I mean by most skillful is a character who has a chance to win, but it takes a lot of talent to do so. Before I begin with my submissions, let me just give you a break down of what people thought were the most broken WCIE:
* Bo Jackson (Tecmo Bowl)
* Snake (SSBB)
* Meta Knight (SSBB)
* Yoda (Soul Calibur 4)
* M16A4 (COD4)
* 50 Cal. (COD4)
* Chainsaw (GeoW2)
* Shotgun (GeoW)
* Smoke Grenade (GeoW2)
* Onside Kick (Madden 08 )
* Odd Job (Golden Eye 64)
* Playboy Magazine (MGO)
* Pistol (Halo: CE)
* Snake Eyes/LAARK (Resistance 2)
* N-Bomb (Perfect Dark 64)
* Mana Shield (Fable 2)
* Dragunov (STALKER)
* AWP (Counter Strike)
* Laptop Gun (Perfect Dark 64)
* Grenades (GeoW2)
* Geomancer, Clockwerk, Tidebringer (DOTA)
* Marta (ToS 2)
* Orlandu (FF Tactics)
* Knife (COD4)
* Power Armor (Fallout 3)
* Bullseye (Resistance 1 and 2)
* Guns (Vampire: Blood Lines)
* Ray Gun (SSBB)
* Oblivion (Oblivion)
* Magento (Marvel vs Capcom)
* Shamans, Druids, Hunters, Warriors (WoW)
* Fan (SSBB)
* Farsight (Perfect Dark 64)
* Shotgun (Resistance 2)
Most Broken WCIE in a game:
Before I post my choices for most skillful WCIE in a game, let me just say that if you have anymore broken WCIE you forgot to mention, feel free to post em :P
Most Skillfull WCIE:
Ganadorf (SSBB): Yes he is obscenely powerful, but he is slow as all hell. It takes skill to manage his terrible movement speed, lack of projectiles and insane lag after attacks.
Wario (SSBB): Wtf is this guy? I dont understand how people put him in a respectable tier. I have been owned by many good Wario users, but for the love of me I cant use him! The only decent thing I can say about him is he can fart real loud and has a cool bike. This guy is the definition of "Skill".
Captain Falcon (SSBB): No more Knee of Justice noobs! Now you actually have to learn how to play! Ever since they nerfed his knee of justice there have been less and less Cpt.Falcon users. Why? Because now he takes some skill. He is like Ganondorf minus the insane power and he has a alot more speed.
Marksman (Resistance 2): Go on haters...complain! Yeah sure, in theory this gun is OP and should be banned. A sniper rifle with burst fire that is also effective at close range!? hacks! Well the truth of the matter is at long range its pretty awesome, but at close range you need headshots or its game over for you. I dont care what you say but some guy with the carbs will break your face unless you can get some headshot off. Sure you have the elctrostatic orb, but you only have 1 and arent going to have it for every battle. This gun does take skill to use, but appears OP when in the hands of a skilled user.
Hunter (World of Warcraft): The only c.lass in WoW that actually requires skill in PvP, 'nuff said, and no this isnt up for debate! :x
Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (COD4): A Sniper rifle you cant spam away till you get a kill? This is what I call skill. You basically need a headshot everytime with this baby or the opponent will run away...unless you are playing noobs or a guy in a trapped corridor.
Bellock (Resistance 2): No, this gun doesnt suck, you do. If you know how to use it, its a beast of a weapon and not nearly as cheap as the Dragon in Resistance 1.
Lucario (SSBB)-Kickinurass : His damage output is pathetic at low percentages, to the point it takes a whole combo to barely get above 10%. Luckily, his moves have next to zero knockback and it's easy for him to chain together hits. It's a balancing act - staying in the low percentages and racking up the opponents damage with his combos before shifting gears and using the increased power he gets at high percentage for the KO.
Scout (CS)- Wasdie: Sure most servers don't have the AWP disabled, but if you see somebody constantly using the Scout, beware, that bastard will headshot your ass through 2 doors from the other side of the map without hacking.
Plasma Grenade (Halo)- 11Marcel:It's a worse version of a frag grenade (which explodes really fast after the first bounce, so it's very hard to dodge), except for that it sticks. So basically if manage to hit someone with the grenade the payoff is amazing, but otherwise it sucks.
Torque Bow (Gears 2)- too_much_eslim: It is probaly one of the most skilled weapon ever. In the hands of a skilled person, that person can dominate an entire team by themselves.
Hardcore Modes (Any game)- Tasman_Basic: this is probably an etc thing but any game that has quick deaths in it. Like Red Orchestra or Hardcore CoDs or Bushido Blade. When someone dies in a short time or one hit then the whole game changes from being twich fest to a slower mathodical game. It's a whole new skill set.
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