This looks incredible, just look what you can do... This could democratise game development, animation,... The potential one has with these tools is amazing!
And imagine if they bring in VR...
Btw, every dream will have a web page and people can download the dream in common 3D files, allowing people to print off their sculptures/ scenes or take them into other programs.
Props to media molecule!
Some new info:
Engaget article summary:
-The first thing you should know about Dreams is, it'll have a traditional campaign
-This content will act, just like in LittleBigPlanet, as both a standalone adventure and a tutorial for creation.
-This blurring of the lines between gameplay, creation, and sharing is key in Dreams.
-The "structured content" (i.e., campaign) won't be finished, but beta testers will get "less structured" versions of it to try out.
-Dreams' beta testers will be able to remix and modify Media Molecule's levels. They'll be able to experiment and create their own games using pre-existing assets or create entirely new ones.
-Right now, only around 30 people are making in-game dreams. Getting thousands of people beta testing and making things is going to be huge for the team.
-You can make amazing first-person shooter levels if that's what you want to do
-The team is dreaming of the "new game genres" that could be created within Dreams.
-Dreams offers "a full-on game-development system" in which Media Molecule staffers have already built their own takes on titles like MotorStorm and Tetris.
-You'll even be able to add your own cut scenes, animating characters using the controller and recording the results.
-Although in the demo there was a short wait between each, in the final game jumping between dreams will apparently be seamless
-VR support is basically confirmed
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