PS4/X1 $250 with a free game during the holidays.
Zelda sold 3 million on a console of 100m+ (The Wii) but apparently it's a big seller now? Interedasting.
The Switch will have an initial strong selling phase, usually the first month or so. The gotta have it now crowd. Once this ends the sales will slow down, look at the Wii U.
Guys like Charizard were hyping that thing up and mentioning how the sales slow down was just "temporary", we all know how that one turned out.
How delusional you Nintendo apologist are, is truly comical. The Switch is another flop waiting to happen.
Wii U Zelda was postponed but hey "Nintendo is da bestest". Only console to never receive an exclusive Zelda game.
The console will be plagued with the typical droughts and will live off ports in between key releases like Mario Odyssey.
Once the sales of 3rd party games flop, support will cease. Sounding like the Wii U now isn't it. Before you tell me, "how do you know it won't sell". Easy, just look at the history. You guys were like wait for Smash, wait for Kart 8, wait for whatever, and NOTHING CHANGED.
Wii U owners got burned hard, the system sucked and to everyone else who didn't buy it, it was for a reason. They don't trust Nintendo as Nintendo DOES NOT offer the games the casuals want.
A majority of these Switch games are most likely Wii U games which had their development switched over.
Sorry but, Skyrim (a 6 year old game that isn't even a launch title, LOL) aint gonna cut it.
MS/Sony have built consumer trust and offer multimedia/gaming features the consumer wants, Nintendo? They are now doing what everyone has been doing YEARS AGO.
Nintendo thinks people will actually hand over money for their online service when the only thing they've shown in the Online space is incompetence? Once again, LMAO.
MS and Sony drop the prices and its good game Switch, if it even makes it that far.
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